a ee ae ta Literature is no longer the domi- cile of the elite.This October 19 - 23, The Vancouver International Writers (& Readers) Festival will be spreading the word to the streets of Vancouver, bring- ing literature to the common masses. Over 50 authors will be there, doing readings, seminars, and hobnobbing with the great unwashed. The festival offers readers of all stripes a chance to meet the people be- hind the pages. Some of the names are Vanvouver International Writers (&@ Readers) Festival, October 19 - 23 world, from the social-surreal world of performance poet Attila The Stockbro- ker, to the Native American spiritual- ism of Barry Lopez. Writers from all around the (En- glish speaking) world will be featured during the five days of festivities, but there is a strong emphasis on local tal- ent. Among the British Columbian contingent are writers such as Evelyn Other Press _ Lau, Genni Gun, Susan Musgrave, Adrian Raeside and Jack Whyte. Festivities will be held, for the most part, on Granville Island, center- ing around the Arts Club. Offsight events will be held at the Frederic Wood Theatre, on the UBC campus, and at the Presentation House in North Vancouver. Don’t miss this chance to experience Literature like you’ ve never ! October 19,1994 _ well known, (Robertson Davies, Maeve Binchy, Rtidy Wiebe) some are known only by a precious few. All bring to the festival their own unique talents and strengths and way of looking at the T: You were just saying how you’ ve just got off of atwo week book tour. How did it go? J: It went extremely well. I did quite a broad varieties of interviews... it was extremely enjoyable. I love doing it. I know a lot of authors don’t enjoy the book tour. I suppose that boils down to whether you are an introvert or an extrovert, and fundamentally I guess I’m an extrovert... It is a major thrill to go out there and actually talk to the people who have read [my books] and be able to discuss characters, and plot developments, and what is coming next. I really, really enjoy that. T: You claim inspiration from the old legends. Have you read any modern interpretations of the legend? J: Ihaven’t read a book on king Arthur since 1978, because I didn’t dare. I’ve got them all. I have a shelf of books on King Arthur, sitting in my office, but I don’t dare get in them because I know my story. I know the story I want to tell, and I don’t dare allow myself to read anyone else’s interpretation at this point. T: Besides the fact that you didn’t like the magical elements, did they influence you in any way, positively or negatively? J: The ones that I read? Of course. They all did. That is the reason I haven’t read anything since 1978. I believe it is impossible to read anything on a topic that interests you, and not be influenced by it, even if it is only to get angry and throw the thing away and say “That is crap!” Its impossible not to be influenced... Local Vancouver Author Jack Whyte, one of the more than 50 authors speak- ing at this year's Writers festival A-list e-mail Courtesy of some trés cool people at Addison-Wesley Publishing Limited, I got my hands on a copy of a neato book, chock-full of E-Mail Addresses of the Rich & Famous. Okay, it may not be your cup of tea, but think about it; the possibilities are endless... *Tell Tom Clancy exactly what you thought of Clear and Present Danger. *Call up the Toronto Maple Leafs and let Cliff Fletcher know your thoughts on feminine hygeine advertising regulations. * Ask Ross Perot for a job shoveling earwax. And send tons of other useful questions, queries, and comments to people you’ ve never met, nor will ever meet. In addition to some fun and pointless possibilities, there are lots of useful addresses here, too. For the next few issues, we'll be printing some of our fave e-mail addresses, useful and not. Look for it here, and look for the book. {| Top TEN REASONS TO DINE AT ' THE OLD SPAGHETTI FACTORY 10. All Dinners Include Ice Cream! Q. Sharp Dressed Waiters Who Love To Sing Happy Birthday! E-MAIL ADDRESSES iE Rich (7 amous &, We Absolutely Love to Serve Large .Groups or Class Get-Togethers! 4, We Are Open All Day So You Can Join Us Before, After or During Class or Work! b. We Spent A Fortune In Renovations Just For You! ». We Actually Honour our “Satisfaction Guaranteed” Policy! 4. Super Fast Service! . 3. Unbeatable Value! SETH GODIN ean Chretien, Prime Minister of Canada: primemin @chicken.planet.org Bob West, the voice of Barney the dinosaur: bobwest1 @aol.com Rick Stetta, World Champion pinball player: rstetta@delphi.com Ron Baalke, the guy that posts official NASA news: baalke @kelvin.jpl.nasa.gov e 10% Off For Douglas College Students! Number 1 FIREE Offer expires October 31, 1994 CAESAR SALAD | New Westminster only