wo ae nanan : MARCH 9, 1983 success! ( (THER LETTERS \ PAGE 5 _ Pedersen says Gimme Shelter Vancouver (CUP) If you happen to be a univer- sity president, Mick Jagger’s famous phrase takes on an en- tirely new meaning. And shelter is exactly what University of B.C. president George Pedersen is going to get--$500,00 worth.. The UBC Board of Governors has decided to renovate the president’s residence, which rd Mr. Hunter, Regarding your article on our band, The Edsells. I would like to thank you for the encou- raging things you mentioned about us and, like most pro- fessional musicians, I readily accept your constructive crit- icism. ' However, it behooves me to discern how you completely botched up the supposed quotes!First, the mention that the Edsells are trying to, and 1 _ quote you, ‘‘cash in’”’ on the North American rockabilly scene, is total rubbish. (By the way, I'll give you a tip. Any- one who was trying to cash in on any music, would never ad- mit it.) What I did say is that we, in the band, are trying to get our feet in the door before it closes on us. We are not attempting to ride on anyone’s has housed the Botanical Gar- den offices and laboratories since 1975. The house was. built in 1950 for $61,000 and was intended to be the official residence of UBC presidents. “We feel it is important for ‘the president to live on cam- - pus and establish better links with the community and stu- dents,’’ David McLean, board member and property com- mittee chair, said. ‘“To some it may seem to be an extrava- gant move. We don’t think it e Eds coattails, and making money is not our primary objective. Second, the implication that we have been around longer than the Stray Cats is non- sense and, may I say, that quoting myself as saying this is twice as ridiculous. The Stray Cats are 8 year veterans at what they’re doing. I said, and you can quote me on this, that we, The Edsells, have been playing rockabilly since before the Buddy Selfish Band was even conceived. (Notice:Bud-dy Sel-fish - con- siderably more syllables than ‘Stray Cats! Mr. Hunter, please accept what I have said as sound crit- icism, as I accept what you have said. The noise level bet- ween our sets was very dif- ficult to communicate over, and it is understandable that This university is putting up a small amount of money to do the job,’’ said McLean. He said UBC ‘‘showed restraint’’ in only spending $200,00. The board intends the presi- dent to develop contacts with people and corporations that can donate money to the uni- versity, McLean said. ‘‘For that you. have to have the tools. Things don’t happen automatically.”’ UBC students should support one could make a mistake in hearing. But, I foresee many lawsuits if you don’t watch your quotes. . Just before I let you off the Hook, I would like to confirm that we, like most rockabilly bands, have only one lead gui- tar player - me. Gene Murphy Dear Editors, I found the article on the ‘‘Vancouver Five’’ printed in the Feb. 24 issue a distateful piece of one-sided ‘‘journal- ism.’’ Typical of the propa- ganda of the ultra left, the blind rhetoric should leave a bad taste in the mouth of any person with eyes and an open working mind. The protrayal of the police SWAT teams as thugs poun- the plan and contribute money to help defray the cost, McLean said. ‘‘It’s their house just as much as the presi- dent’s,’’ he said. ‘‘This could be the start of a whole new way of running UBC.”’ Pedersen said Feb. 21 that his occupancy of the house was ‘put forward as a condition of employment,’’ but that it did not necessarily provide for the best in family living. “‘There is a fair incursion on your privacy,’’ said Pedersen. plays rhythm guitar. Although I’m sure this wasn’t your fault, we prefer to spell our name with two ’Il’s. Don’t feel bad though, no one ever gets it right. Incidentally, you screwed up Buddy Sel-' fishs’ name too, but I'll let cing on those poor environ- mentalists is repulsive. The’ police had reliable information that these five people were armed with automatic weap- ons. They were captured on the way to their practise area. Terrorists are known, in the’ rest of the world, to prefer martyrdom in a blaze of glory over capture. Using massive overkill and surprise, the po- lice shocked the five into im- mobility, preventing blood- Profanity Denounced ® "=<: “Yes it was us” On page 5 of the last edition of the Other Press was a questionaire entitled ‘‘A Sur- vey.”’ One of the questions in this survey, written by Nancy Powell, was ‘‘Do you think that there is too much swear- ing in ” The Other Press?”’ The question was followed by two boxes labelled ‘‘Fuck yes ”’ and ‘‘Fuck no.’’ It is impor- tant to point out that the orig- inal responses were entitled ‘Duck yes/no’ and that three subversive Other Press types, Ian Hunter, Dave Christian, — ow $ o 3 oe = ow seregar | | : : and Martin Hemeritz sneaked in disguised as Zulu Warriors and sabotaged the original layout. We wish to stress that the actions of the thre€ are not reflective of the wishes and policies of the Other Press ’ staff in general, and of Nancy Powell in particular. We ex- tend our apoligies to anyone in the Student Body who may have been offended by this irresponsible and _ relatively tasteless bastardization of Nancy’s questionaire. Se have no social consciencé. Bombs are indiscriminate and unless precisely constructed, unreliable. Transformer oil is a pollutant. Burning this oil, by the bombs, means the bom- bers are not environmenta- “It’s not all great and glor- ious.”’ Student board representative Margaret Copping said she supports the plan and will not speak against it to the board. “If Pedersen can establish contacts with corporations, that’s the money we’re going to need, given government fis- cal restraint,’’ said Copping. “‘There is every indication that he will make the most of the facility, and that is hearten- ing.’’ ells Fire Back you figure that one out. We appreciate the criticism and we found your phot- ography excellent. I truly hope that your mistakes haven’t hurt our reputation but all the same, I thank you for taking the time to listen. Sincerely, Chris Schoenefuhs Bombing the Five lists. ‘he true peace move- ment can not afford violence, and would be unable to sup- port those who use it. Spouting the mindless, cliche slogans only indicates mental blindness. I have relatives in East Germany that are oppres- ‘sed by the state, I have travel- led in Europe recently and have seen the East-West bor- der. After seeing the Wall, with guns pointing at their own people to make a country a prison, I prefer our so-called “pig state’? to Marxist free- dom. As editors and journalists, the organizers of this paper should avoid printing, or at least rebut, this sort of writ- ing. Ralph Shearman Survey Criticism Dear Other Press, You may find my answers to the survey somewhat stupid. This is because I feel that this survey is a sarcastic bunch of garbage. If you were really interested in what the stu- dents have to say, you would have pertinent questions. I am really disappointed, as you have hit a new low. You claim- ed at the AGM that you didn’t have support. Well you have made the situation twice as bad with this demeaning sur- vey. We the students deserve better. Yours truly, Gwenellen McKe Pigeres