INSIDE DOUGLAS COLLEGE / APRIL 3, 1990 A-V continued Learning about Stroke: What to Expect: VHS Emphasizes that it is vitally important to begin treating the stroke as soon as possible after the acute phase is over. The greater the delay, the greater likelihood of further damage. Magical Curing: 27 mins. VHS This video offers unusual footage of the curing practices of the Wape people of New Quinea. Scenes of demon curing, festivals and exorcisms, as well as the intro- duced practices of western medi- cal patrols are shown. Manic Depression: Questions Nurses Ask the Family: 20 mins. VHS Gwen Finnen, co-founder of the Manitoba Manic Depression Society, addresses a group of nur- ses answering their questions and describing family problems in deal- ing with this illness. Manic Depression: Questions Nurses Ask the Patient: 40 mins. VHS Gwen Finnen, co-founder of the Manitoba Manic Depressive Society, addresses a group of nur- ses and answers their questions about patients’ needs and difficul- ties. Odyssey of Challenge: 28 mins. VHS This is a story of job injured disabled people putting their lives back together and leading produc- tive lives again. Restraining the Adult Patient: 10 mins. VHS This program demonstrates the proper way to apply soft and locked restraints for the adult patient. Guidelines for correct ap- plication and maintenance are presented, and unsafe practices are identified. Seven Days a Week: 30 mins This video shows that excel- lence and quality can exist in a nursing home, providing a com- fortable and relaxed atmosphere of daily living for the patients. Therapeutic Intervention in Assaultive Behaviour: 20 mins. VHS Nurses must be able to main- tain control over a violent patient. This tape is designed to help nur- ses develop skills to deal with as- saultive behaviour. The three segments demonstrate verbal inter- vention, defensive skills and the use of physical intervention. Wit and Wisdom of Aging: 26 mins. VHS This video explores the life of Norman Cousins, healer and peace activist. He advocates taking control of your life and health through the healing effect of a positive emotional state. GENERAL Clean Home for Seniors: 25 mins. VHS This tape takes the homemaker through a quick and efficient procedure for cleaning the client’s home. Crime and Deviance: 30 mins. What is deviant depends upon what any particular society views as the norm. By examining criminal behaviour from the three sociological points of view, the pro- gram illustrates how values change according to the peer groups involved. The Family: 30 mins. VHS This program is an introduc- tion to the family as society’s most basic institution. Anthropologists and sociologists explore kinship networks in Kung society, offer an historical overview of the chang- ing role of children in the family, and discuss how family structures are changing in the West. The Louvre: 60 mins. VHS This program views the price- less treasures of the Louvre set against the panoramic history of France. No Life for a Woman: 27 mins This film points out the in- adequacies of single industry towns. Little provision is made for organized activities outside the narrow framework of company employment. However, in view of the depression and isolation ex- perienced by women living in these towns, steps are being taken to improve community life. This film shows the importance of taking women’s needs into ac- count when planning such com- munities. Quality Control: 30 mins. What are the preconditions for successful quality control? Is it simply a result of organization - or does it arise from Japan’s cultural background? This program inves- tigates how Japanese companies use quality control. @ SnomineG College, Seattle Vice President for Academic Affairs Chief instructional officer of the College with line respon- sibility for all transfer, vocation- al, developmental programs and support services and con- tinuing education. Those interested must apply no later than 4:00 p.m. Monday, April 30. For further info. about this position and the required application materials, call (206) 546-4769, or write to the Person- nel Office, Shoreline Com- munity College, 16101 Green- wood Avenue North, Seattle, Washington 98133.