- aca WANTED - CAREER INFORMATION Do you have what we need? Do you have hidden in your office or desk: newspaper clippings, journal articles, papers and other “tidbits” on specific career information or career profiles? We are updating the Career Resource Centre pamphlet file and we need up- dated material. We would appreciate any donations. Or if you prefer, we will photocopy the original and return it to you. Please send the material to: Academic Advisors, Students Services, or give us a call. Thanks. Lorraine Cotter - Local 2723 Georgina Davis - Local 2762 Amanda Harby - Local 2761 Sharon Helgesen - Local 2763 INSIDE TIBET Inside Tibet. The Tibetan Refugee Aid Society announces a slide presenta- tion and talk by Dr. Michael Futrell of the University of British Columbia. Travellers, mountaineers, and those interested in the people and Buddhist culture of Tibet are invited to hear and talk with Professor Futrell who has re- cently returned from a trip to the once forbidden land. Handicraft display. Refreshments. Admission: $5 at the door. Seniors and students half price. November 6, 7:30 P.M. at the Vancouver Museum and Planetarium, 1100 Chestnut. Plenty of free parking parking available. FOR SALE 1976 Olds Cutlass Supreme Good condition, low mileage Call 461-3792 after 6:00 P.M.