AOL coe {| A Dhori ad Wo BPOUGLAS COLLEGE Mad Hatter Page 3 Disability and the Law; Leading Job Clubs; Computer Assisted Instruction; Art Therapy; Public Policies, how they affect people with disabilities; Issues in Vocational Training; Volunteer Training and ASE; and Post-Secondary School Options for Severely Handicapped Adults will all be offered. The keynoteaddress of Judge Zuker will open the second day of the conference and wil! be followed by a panel response on the implications of the Charter of Rights. Shopping Mall of Ideas The second half of the morning will feature a "shopping mall" of ideas for people in- volved in Adult Special Education, Loewen says. "In one big room we'll be setting up a fair,' Loewen says. "There will be displays of different projects people might want to become involved in, such as the Expo exhibit of the Handicapped Resource Centre." And session five, offered the Friday after- noon, will return to the busy schedule of the previous day. Options for this session are: The Unemp loy- ment Experience; Peer Counselling; Cooperative Learning; Workers! Coops as a Job Strategy; Emotional Disorders; Legal Advocacy; Mobility Training; and Barriers to Employment for Deaf Adults. The plenary session will feature a keynote speech from Tom Patch, a member of the Coalition of Provincial Organizations of Handicapped, the Disabled Peoples' Interna- tional Steering Committee, and the Human Rights Commission and Public Service Commission. Ray Brooks, president of the Adult Special Education Association, will provide the conference summary. Pre-registration for the Fifth Annual ASE Conference costs $40 regular, $30 for students or $50 at the door, including lunch both days, plus refreshments. Cheques can be made payable to the Community Programs and Services division. The Fifth Annual ASE Conference is sponsored by Douglas College, the Ministry of Education, the Vancouver/Richmond Associatin for the Mentally Handicapped, the Canadian Paraplegic Association, the Western Inst ttute for the Deaf, the B.C. Association for the Mentally Handicapped, the ASE Association, and the Vancover Association for Children with Learning Disabilities. The conference begins at the Richmond Inn, 7551 Westminster Highway, Richmond, B.C. at 9:00 a.m., Thursday, March 7. For more information contact the Community Programs and Services division. DOUGLA LL A Happy Occasion We are pleased to announce that Barbara McLean was the successful applicant for the Christine Young First Annual Award. A cheque for $350.00 was presented to Barbara by Christine's mother, Jean Hammer, on February 20Th. Barbara is a full-time student in the Early Childhood Education program and shows great enthusiasm, along with top grades. Congratulations and Good Luck Barbara!