aba Mad Hatter Page 8 C.P.R. WREK AT DOUGLAS COLLEGE BE A HEART SAVER! CERTIFY IN CPR - CARDIOPULMONARY RESUSCITATION during CPR Week at Douglas College, February 25 - March 2, 1985. CPR Week is being held in cooperation with the Knowledge Network and the Pulse of Life Society of B.C. Pre-registration required as class sizes are limited. Certificate issues if participants attend Session I and Session II. To register, phone - 520-5472. SESSION 1 ~ FREE ¥85131112A Mon., Feb. 25 1915 hrs. Your home - Channel 18 Knowledge Network or Douglas College Library - Room 2130 ¥85131112B Tues., Feb. 26 1900-2100 hrs. Douglas College Room 1812 V¥85131112C Wed., Feb. 27 1900-2100 hrs. Room 1812 V85131112D Thurs., Feb. 28 1900-2100 hrs. Room 1812 V85131112E Fri., Mar. 1 1900-2100 hrs. Room 1812 SESSION 1 - $10.00 V¥85131112F Tues., Feb. 26 1900-2100 Douglas College Room 1612 ¥85131112G Wed., Feb. 27 1900-2100 hrs. Room 1612 ¥85131112H Thurs., Feb. 28 1900-2100 hrs. Room 1612 V851311121 Fri., Mar. 1 1900-2100 brs. Room 1612 V85131112J sat., Mar. 2 0900-1100 hrs. Room 1612 ¥85131112K Sat., Mar. 2 1130-1330 hrs. Room 1612 V85131112L Sat., Mar. 2 1400-1600 hrs. Room 1612