SUMM A RY RE: PORT veers ut cote 5 Lat vinceing 2 nbdbt Cokkege Board, Bill Day, President, | Kwantlen College Board,’ Reg Pua, ice President, tnat Kuantten Cokkege. hae ia) | SP vets i ete case, Chainman » Douglas ee anos Booker, igi ise Che ni JUNC Silly g ane as fottows: a ee Wf abet eto propose deal with the progtan et in Gage batance the ae ify eo rhgey ig’ smate surplus a, dosage inings, reduction or eLin meee i ates vices a8 0 Lin - - Boatds of the Last month - - were de tress ed suo major problems decile M8 ee general n ope mince budgets: ie _ that ane abization of & , af stags, culty, admenisin ee oy ms that ane. co mmencrng par. t-wa y Anrougir 7 Soe ths, ye (2) the gst 2 {con renting Lan tuti iF ta fe two mediuur noid tn nb cee at is, the 2088. 0b ce econome of scake, and the need to create separate org : Are nee eeptessas coneenn that the coeteges were e trying to deat he AAR ed for change ge id. ng : ather than moving ese Oe, Nn tc ‘ne eo ie ity the increasing number of part-time evening students, gs. to > futt-cine day students. | , parts considenatia Dougtes conleaes took the position thai 0h shout they be s q ee Os in ned in the budget proposa & to Doustas Co Lege