Growing Up Morgan Hannah Life & Style Editor The struggle to fight my nerves To not spin out of control The struggle to fight my fears And still take risks to feed my soul The energy that builds up inside me Like a spring sitting underneath my skin The energy that prickles and pokes around Souring who | am like an off-brand gin It’s change that causes so much angst It’s the unknown that breeds a darker side of me When I'd much rather be happy and lighthearted When I'd much rather bumble like a bee Why does a challenge change who I am? Takes the soft sides and soaks them in kerosene I revert to a younger and more dangerous self Like an unspooled sack of blood, heart, and tyrosine But take those risks I must For life is never full if I’m always comfortable And yet comfort doesn’t quite feel so bad It’s just, I was told it isn't acceptable. A = Y Wllustration)By Sonam Kaloti ms Farther Away Sonam Kaloti Arts Editor Illustration by Morgan Hannah Say it’s anything but a break but I know what your heart wants. I'm hurting and I’m awake wanting another response. Conditioned to give the world to you I had no fear. Submission. This little boat of ours I cannot steer. We're paddling farther away from this island, our island. I was hoping that you would stay but I can't keep hoping when there’s nothing here for you. This is the ending and we both know were paddling farther away, but I was hoping you would stay.