MEMO TO: All Employees FROM: Supervisor of Personnel Admin. RE: Vacancy - Library Clerk - A/V KKKKKEKK Effective immediately the following position in the College is available. ' Position: Library Clerk - A/V Classification: Library Clerk II Salary: $473 - $564 The job description for this position 'ls posted on all Staff Notice Boards. i ‘If no applicants fully meet the Pre- requisites, appointment may be made lat a lower classification level. 1 'In keeping with our policy of filling vacancies from within our staff when- ever possible, we invite applications - ‘from all qualified employees who are ‘interested in being considered for this position. Tf you wish to apply for this position, you should advise the Supervisor of Personnel Administration in writing by 14 November 1973. Quote Position Title used in this advertisement. Neil S. Hill Supervisor of Personnel Administration NOTE*NOTE! NOTE! Dates for Easter Vacation are Aprid 12, 13, and. 14. PLEASE NOTE: By direction of. Principal’s Council, material appearing in the "Mad Hatter" is processed through the Ad- missions Office without abridge ment or editing, except for requirments of space limita- tions and legal considerations. Films Arriving Nov. 15, 1973. Huntsmen M. Hodgson Promised Land R. Elmes Nov. 16, 1973. To See or Not To See K. Dercole Perception — Structure or Flow K. Dercole Wov. 19, 1973. Octopus Hunt T. Dunn Four Religions L. Turner Cattle Ranch E. Peerless Nov. 20, 1973. heart is a Loneley hunter J. Finnbogason Spheres S. Velaki Iwo Bagatelles S. Velaki Very Nice, Very Nice M. Hodgson Free Fall M. Hodgson Happiness Is B. Murray No Reason To. Stay J. McGilvery Nov. 21, 1973. 3 Bilingualism TL. borris International Operations T. Morris Nuer J. Siegel Ten Point Percussion Pie week Quo /Vadis Mrs. Lumb J. Grésko Linda R. Gunson Assistant Librarian i Audio Visual