© the other press ¢ Opinions Right Hook Cv J.J. McCullough OP Columnist Why are there still radicals in this world? Why are there still people who break windows and throw rocks at police officers every time two or more finance min- isters are present in the same town? Why are our uni- versities still full of Marxists who quote Che Guevera and denounce the “ruling class?” Why are there still newspapers demanding that I “Defend North Korea's Right to Nuclear Arms” and “oppose imperialism?” Why are student unions still promising a revolution? Why are these people still around? As the old saying goes, those who don’t learn histo- ry are doomed to repeat it. Looking at today’s college campuses, “underground” newspapers, and. self-pro- claimed “intellectuals,” I often can’t help but feel a certain sector of our society has learned nothing from the last four decades. The sector I speak of is of course, the far left. The group composed of Marxists, anarchists, and a vast array of other would-be terrorists and self-proclaimed “revolutionaries” who despite being handed one fail- ure after another for the greater part of forty years, continue to plod on, merrily as ever. They have refused to learn the lessons of their own troubled past and as a result are headed down the same road to fail- ure as their numerous predecessors before them. Freedom, safety, and independence, are all sacrificed at the altar of their unachievable utopias, as they embrace a life of depressing isolation, self-hatred, and tyranny. The most disturbing thing of all is how this disgusting cabal of people is still so vigilant to recruit new blood to its ranks—in a course that will only lead to the destruction and despair of a whole new gener- ation. When I hear the denunciations of George W. Bush as the “biggest threat to global peace” and the United States as the “most vicious tyranny in history,” I can’t help but recall the same things being said of Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, and hell, even Bill Clinton. The US, “Amerika,” “the Evil Empire” or whatever the nickname de joure, is always the enemy, regardless of the party ruling congress, or the president in the oval office. This, of course, is because to leftists, the United States—one of the most democratic, free, and benevolent nations the world has ever seen—is not actually any of these things. It is a repressive, evil, cruel, dictatorial, imperialist police state, according to the leftist cabal, and the “Great Satan” of our time. The hatred of America is due to America’s success. America has proven the success of the capitalist system and the democratic system. Other nations of the world look to America as the goal to emulate, and 5, those who do, achieve amazing success. The United . States is the, good example. that shines as a beacon of ; hope and inspiration, to so many in‘our world, and yet. . at the same time. remains despised, by many within its .. own borders. Socialist countries can't keep their peo-| ple in. The United ora by contrast,’ can’t keep ., immigrants out. When the United States crushed the proxy states vi the Soviet Union, it was denounced by the leftist cabal, as fighting socialism. out of jealously. Enemies of the - United States such as Ho Chi Minh and Pol Pot were +. praised as heroes. Yet when they turned out to be } vicious dictators, they were quickly dismissed as irrel- evant. When socialism fails and creates the closest ,, equivalent for hell on earth for those who are unlucky to live under it, the leftist cabal does not for-one sec- ond think that perhaps the deeply flawed 200-year old teachings of a bitter German tailor are to blame. Instead, the Marxist dictators are quietly denounced as not being “true Marxists” or the inevitable result of American destabilization. Having justified these “mis- Page 8 e _http://www.otherpress.ca takes,” the left moves on, never mentioning them again. There is a reason we never hear anything about Vietnam these days. The country that the leftist cabal of yesteryear once so enthusiastically praised as the overseers of benevolent “social revolution” has since proven itself to be so corrupt, so violent, so evil that even the left itself can no longer stomach defending the monster they so enthusiastically helped create. The same pattern continues itself today with Castro’s Cuba. The most monstrous dictator in Latin American history continues to imprison and murder his people, while the leftists of the world turn a blind eye and praise his commitment to socialism. When Castro finally dies, and the true horrors of his regime are revealed, his crimes will no doubt be brushed off as the result of “not real 100 million deaths later, the Left still doesn’t get it America has proven the success of the capitalist sys- tem and the democratic sys- October 8, 2003 lence, in places like Genoa and Seattle, as they rebel against politicians whose greatest crime was to be in the same room for a few hours. The violence and death mirrors that of the 60s and 70s, in which “rev- olutionary vanguards” such as the Black Panthers, the Weathermen, and the Symbionese Liberation Army smuggled weapons into university campuses, ghettos, and churches, and staged violent shoot-outs with law enforcement and other agents of “the man.” This madness all stems from the leftist belief in the “oppressive ruling class.” If they are not being oppressed in their day-to-day lives, then lefties must orchestrate situations for this to occur. Thus, they vandalize and set fires to shops, and then scream and wail when the _ police respond. Easily avoidable deaths innocent oe ane tem. Other nations of the sx imam mr Meco World look to America as 2 \niv sorsave cme ares, the goal to emulate, and Ks bal feManirues POSE Who do, achieve —— SIAN The Leftist Cabal Socialism today speaks of uprisings, mobiliza- tions, and protests. They aim to disrupt the lives of the “ruling elites,” while sacrificing the lives of their own radical comrades in violent protests in major cities. The abstract concept of “globalization” has become the new enemy. Globalization is an econom- ic reality that has no specific definition. To the left, it means the global spread of capitalism—a threat that must be stopped, lest it teach backward third-world countries that there is an alternative to corrupt social- ist rule. Young men and women in the prime of their lives are killed in senseless acts of self-initiated vio- amazing success was discredited as an ideology when the Berlin wall came down in 1989, after a true revo- lution of popular will. I find it truly disturbing that after nearly a century of socialist-inflicted massacres, leading to the deaths of hundreds of millions, North America’s intellectual élites and radical youths contin- ue to praise Marxism as a “misunderstood” ideology that deserves a second chance. These are the clamour- ings of a group who are unable to accept the harsh realities of their flawed ideology. The war between communism and capitalism is long over, and the good guys have won. I AG haan Se tannin nomnores, oe re Cartoon by J.J. McCullough