The Other Press INTERESTED IN BI-LINGUAL EDUCATION? THE QUEBECOIS ARE COMING A program aide and Languate monitors are We need English-speaking families to provide|required to work in Douglas College’s Summer suitable rom with full board for students studying | Language Bursary Program. english at Douglas College from May 25th to July | Students of Modern Languages, Social Sciences 2nd. Recreation, Business and Performing arts need Host families will receive a stipend. apply. Contact the Summer Language Bursary Pro-|This program relates to your -carreer goals. gram at 524-0371, local 24 #C-118 and C-119 Making it on your own. A departure from the ordinary: the dark, rich and satisfying flavour of DRUM cigarette tobacco. Smoking a fine cigarette of your own making is a rewarding experience. With DRUM, itcan be a unique discovery. Why wait? Try it now. DRUM. Imported from Holland. Made by you. Maa CMa iam Rite ame LOMO ia NMOL ela POR VM Em es eRe Ole mel OL¢aO ier \UeleR aL vm le) Contact Student Placement now for postings follow. er April 15th to September 9th, 1982 okay END THE ARMS RACE WALK for PEACE ~ Saturday April 24th. Douglas College contin- gent will meet by the dormant locomotive at 11:45 a.m. at the Kits Beach Park. Walk starts from Kits. Beach at 12:00 noon to the rally at Sunset Beach at 2:00 p.m. Speakers Include: Dr. Jesse Chiang, Dr. William Epstein, Jim and Shelly Douglass and Sister Mary Jo Leddy. Music and entertainment are to APRIL 22nd B.B. Gabor, at the Soft Rock Cafe in Kits. the Allotria Jazz Band from Germany at the Hot Jazz Club in Vancouver. Horror Double Bill at the Vancouver East Cinema, night of the Living Dead and Dawm of the Dead. phone:253-5455 APRIL 23rd Tina Turner, two shows at the Commadore. Shari Ulrich at the Soft Rock Cafe with the Shari Ulrich at the Soft Rock Cafe with the Clair Lawrence Band to the 25th. Workshop in Radical Ther- apy for men and women. Constructive critisism, peer counselling, gestalt process, bioenergetics. Phone David Hastly 437-0767. APRIL 24th Stringband 9 Friends at the Sir Charles Tupper Auditor- ium 419 E. 24 Ave. just east of Main St. Advance tickets only, $3,99. Phone; Vancouver Folk Music Fes- tival, 879-2931. Dress down for this occasion. GEORGE WOOTTEN SCHOLARSHIP Two scholarships (of ap- proxiamately $500 each) in honour of George Wootton, the first President of Doug- las College, are available this year to graduating stu- dents in any program who} have shown: 1) superior scholastic ab- ility, and 1) signifigant participa- tion in College and com- munity activities. Candidates for this award must be nominated by a student, staff or faculty member. Nominations must include a letter of recom- mendation giving the rea- sons for the nomination. Nominations for candid- ates from the May 1982 graduating class, should be submitted to the Financial