MAD HATTER 10 douglas college Inter Office Memo Date: _November 20, 1986. TO: _All College Personnel From: _Bill Day Re: strategic Activity schedy = line, le Z The attached activity schedule focuses on those activities which Management Committee views as being strategic in nature. It takes into account and provides for a schedule of activities relating to the following elements in our environment: (a) Budgetary assumptions and implications for 1987/88. (b) Primary recommendations of the Self Study and the External Team - governance system, faculty/administration relationships, program assessment. (c) Update of existing 5 Year Strategic Plan. (d) Development of our 2nd 5 Year Strategic Plan. (e) Development of administrative personnel. It should be noted that in approving the schedule, Management Committee recognizes that it is a guideline. Events do occur in the environment which make shifts in the schedule necessary. For example, the Profile Proposal expected from the Ministry on November JI8th has yet to be _ received. Nevertheless, we will be working toward the target dates for all of these major activities over the next seven months.