; ragga ii Fees a The following is a summary of the new aS structure for the Fall (1984 Semester. These fees were approved by the College Board on June 21, 1984. heen: c 1 course 2 courses 3 courses 4 courses 5 courses 6 courses ( 6 semester Self-Paced. Conti nuous __Entry Programs _ Full-time fees Half-time fees Othe er Fees Challenge Fee Late Registration Course Change - includes. the following: { 3 semester ( 9 semester (12 semester (15 semester credits (18 semester credits) credits) credits) credits) credits) Fee Schedule 114 71 228 285 342 $ 70/mo. Plus Student Society and "Other Press" fees which remain the same as the Spring 1984 Semester. ny Plus Student Society — and 35/mo, “Other Press" fees which remain the same as the Spring 1984 Semester. Fee Scheduie™” '"9 $ 2 10 5/transaction _ ALL course adds and drops including waitlisted courses and Any change in enrol Iment status = Be ‘change from credit to audit. Reinstatement Transcripts N.S.F. Cheques Refunds 10 Same lf you require any further information, please contact the Office of the Registrar, a " —_——_—_—_——