MAD HATTER PACE 3 Would you please ask your department to check their offices, especially any staff or faculty member's offices who are on leave and therefore have not unpacked. Thank you for your anticipated coopera- tion. Min Aleong, Roam 4820, local 4822. Classroom Furniture All available tables are required to equip standard bookable classroams to a standard of 40 student stations in all larger classrooms and 25 in all smaller classrooms. Tables are being removed from all areas not officially scaled for tables umer the equipment and furniture program, It is realized that this may cause same in- convenience but it is, for the moment, unavoidable. Laboratory areas and other non-standard instructional areas will be equipped at a later date. Please co-operate with your associates in maintaining standard student stations in all bookable classrooms. If re-arrange- ment of classrooms is necessary to meet a particular requirement, the roam should be returned to standard configuration upon completion of the class. Thank you for your co-operation. Ken McCoy Human Rights “and cs Development in Central America Came to a public meeting and education event committed to social justice and peace in El Salvador, Nicaragua, Guatemala and Honduras. Speakers: Archbishop Ted Scott, Primate of the Anglican Church in Canada, Bishop Paul Reding, Catholic Bishop of Hamilton Monday, January 31, 1983 At Queen's Avenue United Church, 1630 hours or, St. Andrew's Wesley United Church Auditorium, 2000 hours. Adlerian Psych Conference Set for D-C: The 70's brought the "me generation" into focus and attention, but the principles of Adlerian Psychology appear to have survived and are making significant in- roads into the conscience of the 80's. The Adlerian Psychology Association of B.C. will be holding its fourth annual Tuning In conference at Douglas College, February 4 through 6, where it will be discussing its philosophy of a "demo- cratic model of child rearing." Jointly sponsored by The Douglas College Family Development Centre and the Adler- ian Psychology Association of B.C., the conference will bring together some of the top psychologists in the Pacific Northwest. "The Adlerian model is based on mutual respect, equality, encouraging social interest and co-operation," says the Association spokesperson Moya Jack. "The theme of the conference is 'Co-op- eration: The Challenge of the 80's, which we think is a good one considering it has been a me generation for so long," Moya said. One of the main premises of co-operation promoted by the Adlerian Conference is "What can children contribute to the household which gives them a feeling of belonging, respect and accamplishment."