A recent report cdi: en sexe aa * us with some information on the per- formance of our students after trans- fer to UEC. Following are some excerpts and same observations: 1. The mean College GPA of students from all colleges has remained relatively constant over the past 5 years rangin from 2.76 in 1976-77 to a high of 2.81 in (1978- 79. In 1980-81 it was 2.77. Over this same 5 year period, the mean GPA of students transferring from cores aa has ae a eee to 2. 87. in "1980-81. ‘At - that level, it could be said that students who transfer from Douglas to UBC have a "B" average. 2. Given the high GPA of Douglas College students who transfer to UBC it is not surprising that the proportion of students from Douglas College who achieve a First Class standing is 3% above the 1980-81 provincial mean of 5%. While Douglas students rank at the provincial mean in Second Class and Pass categories, the combined category of Fail and Withdrew shows Douglas College 4% above the provincial mean. 3. In 1980-81, only 48.5% of the college students at UBC completed a full programme. Despite the higher GPA, only 41% of Douglas students completed the full prog- ranmme. On the other hand, the prox incial figure for partial credit was 33.2% and for combined failures and withdrawals was 18.3% with the 4, When the Douglas College corr ading Douglas figures at 278 and 18% respectively. It would seem that a category "other", _ with 163 of the Douglas transfers, accounts for a rather substantial number of | people. When reassigned to the other categories, signifi- ‘cant changes could aie The "other" category includes students auditing courses, medical deferments, missing grades, etc. llege data are feces for the period 1976-77 to 1980-81, Se eeleCeee perform ance: figures are Music (x40) 708 completed full credit, none failed ; Sciences (N=130) 533 full credit, 25% partial credit, 21.5% no credit. Arts. (e196) 41. 8% full credit, . . 32.7% pa “tial credit, 25.5% no credit. hi, Overall 50. 6% full credit, 30.9% partial credit, 18.5% no credit. 5. In 1980-81, UBC enrolled 2978 first-_ time, first year students of whom 306 were from the New Douglas College region. The students from our region ranked 38 lower in completion of a full programme and 38 higher in the no- credit category when compared to the per formance of the entire group. Information on 1980-81 performance by faculty is available from Gerry Della- ‘Mattia.