thing is, that in the priority of government you can take so many percent of the total budget and you can say that we can give to education, and you can take so many more percent and you can say that we can give to health. How about all the other thousands of things that government has to in fact fund. You people have to supply money through taxation. It does become a matter of priorities no matter how good and noble some of the requests that you may make at times through your principle and through other channels. There is no question but the matter of priorities. I don*t think that I can say a great deal more at this time. There is a document available called Phase III - Restructuring of the Department of Education. It is a very general document. It expresses in broad terms each of the positions that I have described, and that is available to you. I am sure Dr. Opgaard has it. If you are not in the Department I don't really Suspect it tells you a great deal. I would say though, don't expect miracles from myself in the Post-Secondary sector, because at the moment you know that we have a very sparse few people. Hopefully within three to four months, and I normally don't make statements that I don't think are within the realm of possibility of achieving as objectives, we can have pecple come forth, probably from the colleges, but. somewhere in british Columbia, to identify themselves with roughly 11 positions at a fairly senior level that are to be filled in the Department to serve in the Post-Secondary sector. Someone made a crack here a little while ago about recent events in the Department. I don't want to go into that. I think it would be dangerous of me to do so, because in fact, in fairness, it occurred on my 8th day with the Department. I am free to say this...that in effect all the Superintendents were advised that there would be probably a problem and we were given no details and when it broke I must say that having been through this sort of thing to some extent myself, I am always sorry when relationships degenerate to the point that it becomes as sad situation, without even discussing the rights and wrongs, because if relationships on an inter-faculty basis, or faculty-student basis, or faculty-administration basis, or administrator to adwinistrator; if these degenerate, in fact, everybody loses. Nobody ever wins. 1 guess that's the ~