si yen rr a pousl®” ,acriNe® The MESSENGER Thursday, November 21, 197-4. Page 19 GEOGRAPHY LANDSCAPE ART AWARD Surrey 7—— SCDIOLS eet grant The Sunrise Pavilion French Club. dts 10341 = Wash St., Surrey, has been given a grant of $1,850.00 by the federal New Horizons program to organize a course in beginning conversational French for old- er students. The members also hope that the success of this course will encourage the development of other courses such as creative writing, Canadian history, and Gestalt psychology. Mrs. K. Gehl, #315, 1326S- 104 Avenue is the project officer, New Horizons is a program of Health and Welfare Canada that makes grants to groups of senior citizens to develop pro- jects that help them keep active and of benefit to them-— selves and their community. Since it began two years ago, New Horizons has funded 2900 projects across Canada @ with over $16 million. The announcement of this award did not specify that it will take effect next semester. Please watch for posters and notices in early January giving details of the competition, and submission, display, and judging dates. In the meantime, inquiries can be directed to Jim Sellers, Surrey Campus, Office 602E, local 215, or to any member of the Geography group. DOBERMAN PUPPIES Thoroughbred Doberman puppies for salé. One month old at Christmas!! $50.00 each. 574-4223. ‘DEADLINE © DEADLINE DECEMBER 15 This 18 a D.C. gerontology COUYS ¢. of Jéan Pu Ons, it will be running tir wee PbS , Note- This is rather special thing becauce Me ol Ha hi 3cns bbesn ‘fF tisualfe Give poney Yer educa ho sinte «t Os Conn direc a Protinttal vather Yhan &@ Fedeval responsi bilitg Con qva fulahins Jenn - FACULTY FILM REQUESTS WITH VIEWING DATES ARE NEEDED NOW FOR SPRING SEMESTER. /\ FEW HAVE ALREADY BEEN PROCESSED AND BOOKED, BUT TO INSURE AVAILABILITY AND AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT LATER, PLEASE SEND THEM TO US NOW BEFORE WE BEGIN PROCESSING OUR NUMEROUS OUTSIDE / REQUESTS. SEND TO HELEN HAUGHTON, i W Campus LIBRARY.