To be perfectly honest I don’t really ow what they do, so maybe more awareness on what they do. : LEN REID AM DEWAR I heard the DSU is in debt. but that its not their fault that they’re in debt. I don’t really know very much about them. All I know is that a lot of the I think the DSU is doing a very good job and they’re awesome. funding goes towards kegs and beer and alcohol and I don’t really know if that’s going to do anything for us or not. LAURA CONTRARA I've heard that it’s not doing very well. JAKE BROWN They've put themselves in a hard position. I don’t know about impeachment, but, maybe give them an opportunity to resign. DANIELLA FOGLIO There is corruption everywhere. All I can say is WTF? I think it’s wrong. Uh ri =), ae, I think they should use the funds properly and not on whatever they want. = = XLVI ina I think it’s kind of sad how we go off about how the government can’t run stuff, and here we have a much smaller student union version of what things we’re supposed to be able to get out there, so no wonder we can’t even run things nationally. - ARON D’CUNHA It’s great that we have a union behind us to support the students. I came from Kwantlen College and their student union made a mistake too, but I guess the DSU messed up more than the Kwantlen student union because the DSU was on TV. 11