ell, here we are just passed the mid-semester mark, and things are cer- inly heating up around the DSU situation. A group of outspoken stu- ents have banded together and formed a collective that’s pushing for weeping DSU impeachment. On a separate note, Global Television did news segment on the DSU’s financial situation, and even resorted to onfronting Joey Hansen while he was going about his business on the ough my dealings with the DSU in the past, ve known him for a ood number of years. And I’d like to forward that he always came cross as a pretty stand-up guy who worked hard for the DSU. Whatever e situation, this is a country that should be respecting a legal system at assumes you are innocent until proven guilty. Mr. Hansen’s name as been bandied around for months based on a situation that is far from esolved. In the interest of fair coverage, I’m very happy to tell you that I pproached Mr. Hansen about writing something for this issue and he as kind enough to oblige me. Give his article a careful read. I think it ffers an interesting perspective to counter the one-sided coverage that is o© commonly being put forth. Furthering our coverage in this issue, we also have a somewhat cathing assessment of the DSU by their Pride Liason Chris Slightholme. heers to you for toughing it out and refusing to back-down my friend. ’m glad we have your loud and accountable voice to keep us informed. Internally, JJ McCullough and Travis Paterson have put together me timeline based coverage to walk you through the key events that ave led to the current hubbub. We’ve taken a little heat in recent weeks for not doing enough DSU elated coverage. Let me assure you that the DSU is our top coverage. riority right now, but we prefer to cover actual developments rather than nstant conjecture. Rest assured The Other Press will keep you ‘ormed of any developments that take place in coming weeks. Anyway here’s to getting some movement upstairs. Come on...it’s ime already. treet. On that topic, I’d like to toss out a few words on Hansen’s behalf. Award Winning OP Writer Of The Week JJ McCullough. | Win! (The Coveted OP Bowling Trophy)