MAD HATTER PAGE 5 INTRAMURALS SCHEDULE FALL '81 TOURNAMENTS Badminton and Pub Night at Winslow Site om MONDAY Nov.2 from 6 - 9 p.m. WEDNESDAY, Nov.4 from 6 - 9 p.m. __ and FRIDAY, Nov.6, PUB NIGHT, from 6 - 11 p.m. SS DOUGLAS COLLEGE - singles - doubles ARCHIVES - mixed doubles : - no entry fee - great prizes PUB NIGHT Friday ONLY in conjunction with the FINAL ROUNDS ofp ay. Curling Bonspeil at Royal City Curling Club on FRIDAY, Nov.27 from 3 - 5.30 p.m. and FRIDAY, Dec.4 from 3 - 5.30 p.m. FRIDAY, Nov.27 dance your heart out from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. at the ARENEX - DOUGLAS COLLEGE DANCE. : Time and Place - limited number of entries Tentative at Present - no entry fee - no equipment required INTRODUC!NG THE INTRAMURALS INTER - COLLEGE wie CHALLENGE CUP A series of challenge events between Douglas College and new arch rival Kwantlen College. Whenever possible the top three teams in Intramural Play in each intramural sport from Douglas and Kwantlen will play off for points leading toward the Intramurals Challenge Cup. The College with the highest aggregate score at the end of each academic year will be awarded the honour of Inter-College Intramurals Champions. CHALLENGE | SOCCER FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23, from 4 - 6 p.m. at the New Westminster Senior Secondary Field, followed by a PUB NIGHT at the Douglas College N. West Site. Location Tentative - one team each. at Present - minimum of 3 women on the field at ali times. - unlimited substitutions but only when ball is not in play. CHALLENGE 2 VOLLEYBALL and PUB NIGHT on FRIDAY, Nov.20 from 6 - Il p.m. at the Winslow Site. Top 3 teams from OCTOBER 93th competition will be eligible to re- present Douglas College.