The a Mad Hatter January 24, 1983 Douglas College Newsletter DOUGLAS COLLEGE LIBRARY = Official Opening Set The Honourable W. Vander Zalm, Minister of Education, is to officiate at the formal opening of Douglas College, scheduled for March 18, 1983. The Opening Ceremonies provide a rare opportunity for each of us to make con- tact with our neighbor as well as a "one-time-only" opportunity to advertise what Douglas College is and what ser- vices we can provide. I expect all College personnel to help us take advantage of this opportunity to put our "best foot forward" and bring out the Welcome Mat for our visit- ors on this important day. As this occasion will be one of pride in past accanplishments, and enthusiasm for the challenge of future service to our communities, I trust that students, facutly, staff and administration will cooperate in making this a joyful and positive event. Your Opening Ceremonies Cammittee will be providing further information in the near future. Please feel free to en- quire regarding plans to any of the following camittee members: Julie Beaucaire Bill Blancard Gerry DellaMattia Mayme Furber Anne Howard Al McMillan Pat Thomasson Rudy van Berkel Ed Redmond (Chairman) Alderman Sandy Tompson is the College Board Representative on the Cammittee. Bill Day Pesce ARCHIVES KNOW Job Training An imnovative $120,000 job training pro- gram for small business entrepreneurs was announced by the Cabinet Cammittee on Employment Development. Six short, intensive training programs focusing on home services and mainten- ance have been developed by the Pacific Vocational Institute for the Ministry of Education and will be presented on the Knowledge Network beginning in 1983. The TV courses will employ printed pro- gram guides and half-hour video modules to instruct students in roof tiling, metal cladding, shake roofing, turf and lawn maintenance, drywall installation and swimming pool maintenance. Students will aslo have telephone access to qual- ified tutors at the Pacific Vocational Institute and various conmunity colleges throughout the province. Cammencing on the province-wide training program, Deputy Minister of Education Jim Carter said, "These courses exemplify the value of distance education technology and will provide knowledge to large num- bers of persons who can create their own employment with very little investment." The six TV courses will be beamed via the Knowledge Network to 110 B.C. cammunities. The courses will also be packaged for use in whole or part by colleges and institutes as on-campus training programs. Graduation Graduation applications for the May 12, 1983 graduation ceremonies must be in the Office of the Registrar (Room 4600C) no later than February 4, 1983. Please inform prospective graduates. For those programs of which first aid is a graduation requirement, a first aid certi- ficate must be handed in with the graduation application. Attention All Faculty!!