MAD HATTER PAGE 3 never too old to get an education. Now, my sister-in-law, she runs a store in Surrey. I was telling her the other day that these days you just gotta have some schooling. She told me that she had only grade eight, but when you got grade eight, you can do anything. I mean, grade two and grade eight, well there's a big dif- ference between them. Maybe I was slow, but I don't think they teach you much in. grade one and grade two. But grade eight, that's different. I mean, she can add and subtract and multiply and divide. I tell people I got a grade two education, but when you come down to it, that's about the same as no education at all." "I can read a bit, but I want to be able to do that stuff I told you. Just adding and subtracting and multiplying and di- viding. Like I said, if you can do that, you ain't gonna be any man's fool." I gave him the information he wanted and he thanked me and left. After he had gone, I sat there, suddenly feeling very humble. IT thought about all the things I had to be thankful for and how many of them I took for granted. "If you can add and subtract and multiply and divide, you ain't gonna be any man's fool." I could still see the look in his eyes as he had said that. "Excuse me" I came back to earth. ‘There was a young face staring earnestly at me over the table. "Do you have anything to give away?" "I can give you a smile", I answered. Un- impressed, the child trotted off to the next booth, to ask his question again. He looked as if he might be in grade three or four. PRESIDENT'S REPORT TO THE DOUGLAS COLLEGE BOARD, MAY 20, 1982 A. External Matters - Municipal Qn Friday, May 21, I will be attending a meeting called by the City, at which time we hope to resolve the financial im plications of a relocation of Beacon In- dustries from its present site on Simcoe Park. West Graydon, Director of Physical Plant & Site Services, and I escorted a tour of members of the Board of Directors of First Capital City Development Co. around the new site on Tuesday, May 18. I had the opportunity of speaking to two groups during the month on Douglas Col- lege's present status and future plans - the Coquitlam Chamber of Commerce, and the University Women's Club of New West- minster. B. External Matters - Education Mr. G. DellaMattia and I were members of a Visiting evaluation team at Northwest College, May 11 to 14. Together with oth- er members of the administration, and mem bers of the College Board, I was in at- tendance at the Third Annual Conference on Lifelong Learning, and the B.C. Association of Continuing Education Administrators in Vancouver. Reports on these conferences will be forthcoming from members of the Board. Together with other members of the admin- istration, I have had a number of meetings with Kwantlen College administrators re- garding faculty redundancy policies, The Academic Council held a special bud- get review meeting with the College. Mr. Trerise represented the Board, and M.H. Morfey, P. Greenwood, and myself, repre- sented the College Administration. The meeting was friendly and helpful. Messrs. Morfey and Greenwood were able to point out an anomaly in calculations which will