i, = pains! sm. ee Ss = a ie in cca eee egg ede cE oe a ee ee Siesta The leaf drifts from the tree and falls into the Water trickles past my lips, drips down my Spine tingling breeze breathes that particular perfume of Peace echoes in the smell, the sight, the sound of Silence is a hand resting on my Heart slows to a steady, persistent Beating down, yes, the sun beats | Down where the sand now matches my once pale feet in Colour my world with the unhurried motion of the ST — = a ) Fading is the sun entrusting me with its | Memory will not hold each second as | wish it Would you, could you, take a picture and capture | Each breath Each beat Each lazy blink Of this siesta aT Mh Press r rt ay am ITC aT Ue Fancy yourself an editor? Enjoy working with people? The Other Press is hiring a new editor in SUMTER cM Es laeCoM ater: | mieelU mel Vim ile possess unparalleled knowledge of CP style and have an insatiable hunger to learn in a fast-paced, deadline-oriented environment. The necessities: Have a flexible schedule Practical understanding of Adobe CS Understand DC and its student body Willingness to go above and beyond Are a compulsive emailer lf working with a talented team of editors, staff writers, and contributors (and mastering the ins and outs of a newspaper and website) sounds like your dream job... apply today! Deadline for coverletters, resumes, and samples is June 30, 2012 to: on ee ee ca a ee Tides are changing, they’re ever changing, but they let me be still for a Moment by moment, my mind slips into that place where there is only | Nowisa seed that grows into my present and future, roots grasping at the } Past the heat is the ice that melts on my skin, leaving its imprint then a Lah i} if Ai | OPEN LEARNING > Get ahead without sacrificing your summer, Pick up the prerequisite you need of redo that challenging class through online and distance education. « Start anytime * Study anywhere * Complete courses at your own pace * Transfer your credits easily * Choose from over 550 courses en. ring THOMPSON RIVERS gap UNIVERSITY - 1.877.404.6736 =| | www. triopen.ca AC Soo