Your HANGING APATHECT!! STVUDE This Page Is Reserved Asa Public Forum For The Airing Of Your Views Co 3 SY S: os ‘ THE OTHER PRESS We Want Your Letters I’m tired as hell of hearing about women’s rights and how they are being mistreated by the entire slanted, male-oriented world.The complaints aired are impeccably coloured by view from angry bull-dykes who think that God gave them a dirty deal when he made their looks less then appetizing. It bothers me that they can be so narrow-minded and debate equality as if it were a commodity. Why don’t they learn that no-one is really equal, unless you live some- place where you are more eqaul than others. That is perhaps the only time they stop their whining. P.L. mments Matter DEAR OTHER PRESS: ; This guy Jean Paul has gone a bit ar. He rides around in an army helicop- ter, protected by armed security agents and rides around in a bullet proofed van as if he were Chairman Mao. | could think of a few reasons why he does what he does but his beliefs aren’t really compatible with: his actions. As a religious leader he has great power but if he had any real faith would he be hiding behind tentrite glass and catholic thugs? | submit that the Pope is as much a power monger as Ronny or Chernenko, he is perhaps worse, for the destruction he causes is inbred in thousands of people. People who don‘t really know any better because they have been taught not to question; taught to go out and make thousands more of little catholics while this papal oink sits on his throne deciding policies that are only to serve the powerful ends of the church. What the catholic church has done to the people of Quebec is unfor- givable. When will the people learn that not even that overdressed closet king has a hot-line to God. If he did he wouldn‘t last ten seconds. Te Kitty needs home This one didn‘t come in a basket nor did it have the bonnet so cliche to the typical Bugs Bunny cartoon. It’s a black kitten about 2 months old. It is currently residing in the Other Press office.(It is even a damn sight better at typing than the rest of us.) What this little ball of neurosis needs is a home. We would like to keep it among friends but the administration has some policy about animals on campus. Administration doesn’t meet a lot of the students. Someone lled this | heard on the radio THursday that the Pope had been granted an audience with Wayne Gretzky. One can only imagine the content of their conversations: P. Just take it easy, son. Relax. There, do you think you can tell me about it now? W. Yes, Father. It’s just - well, your skating is fine, sir, but you need a lot of work on you stick handling. P. Thank-you, my boy. And now, my advice to you: W. (Perks up his ears) P. Always strive to attain your highest goals. Its name is F.M. That stands for frequency modulation to all you lay- persons. The reason for calling the nasty little beast F.M. is quite simple. The cat has a personality that allows him to shred your pants and five seconds later suck up to you real cute like. Thus the name If anyone -out there wants a cat, knows someone that is a soft touch, or maybe knows the owner of this ferocious little feline, query 1602 would you? It‘s either that or its off to the kitty hoosegow. Child care subsidy The Douglas College student society has generously donated 6,000 dollars to enable the Child Minding Commit- tee to establish a subsidy fund for part-time child care. Applications for the subsidy will be assessed under the following guidelines: 1. We will provide some child care subsidy to part time student parents taking less than 12 credits per semes- ter. 2. We will subsidize up to 12 hours a week per child at the Douglas College E.C.E. Centre or the YM/YWCA. 3. If approved, a subsidy of 1.50 dollars an hour (% of the cost) will be provided. 4. Students will apply through the Women’s Centre or Student Finance and allocations will be made to those. with the greatest need first, and then to other applicants in decreasing level of need, until resources are exhausted. 5. The Coordinator of the Women’s Centre, together with the Douglas College student society represent- ative, is responsible for financial assessment and allocation. 6. If, and when, an evening service is available, subsidies will also be pro- vided for that service. Applications can be obtained from the Women’s Centre or Student Finance and Placement Office. The members of the Child Minding Committee would like to extend their sincere appreciation to the Douglas College student society. The subsidy fund will be a great help to many part-time student parents and would not have been implemented so quickly without the funding from the student society. _ Douglas College Child Minding Committee page 7 The Other Corner WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THE POPE'S VISIT TO CANADA? Dee Hardie: | think it’s great. But they should conserve their spending. Jerry Williamson: Nice for him to give the time to come here. Lisa Braga: It’s excellent. | have to say it’s great because | went to a private Catholic school. % Darlene McEachren: | think the Pope’s visit to Canada is an excellent opportunity for all the publicity vultures. Karol Wojtyla: | think it’s simply divine.