‘ ~ _JOUGLAS COLLEGE LIBRAPY a RCHIVES f : 5 s ‘ oie . ee G Aah | ee he & Bh = a Refresher Course for the Long-Time Driver 7 (Changing Conditions need Changing Techniques) — YOU have probably been driving for many years — YOU have probably never had an accident...... BUT -- YOU'have probably not taken driving lessons for many years..... Have YOU ever thought how driving conditions have drastically changed since those pleasurable times when 35 m.p.h. was ‘‘speeding’’, and only a relative minority of the population were drivers? (And you could always find a parking space — which didn’t then cost a day’s wages?!) — The ‘super-highways’ — The ‘souped up’ cars — Power steering and brakes — The volume of traffic — The ‘wild’ drivers etc. etc. None of these things existed fifty years ago. This course is designed especially for the mature driver, to bring him or her up-to-date with these changed driving conditions. Why not take just one day to attend this special workshop to learn how to cope with these things and make yourself better able to cope with today’s.conditions. You will add new information to old expertise. You may even add years to your life. Coeoccesesesosencesececoneneasesseoecssee® REGISTRATION FORM sesseenessevonssesasenssscescesseees OC SAFETY IN THE 70's This will be a one-day workshop to be held on a continuing basis. Each workshop will be limited to 25 students who will be registered on a first-come first-served basis. You will be notified of the date of the workshop in which you are registered. PLACE: Douglas College New Westminster Campus, 8th Ave. & McBride Blvd. Room 304 TIME: Saturday - 10 a.m.to4 p.m. FEE: 35:00 BRING: Bag Lunch (coffee available). Notebook and pen. PTE SS se sit ce te seh caging mene at a ei ba le ee nee ure DANG nS eceenmees Please make cheque for $5 payable to Douglas College and mail with registration form to Admissions Office, Douglas College, P.O. Box 2503, New Westminster, B.C. ‘’3L 5B2. ‘Phone number for enquiries — 588-6404. NOTIFY this number if unable to attend workshop on the Saturday you are registered, so that eS ee ey ee ey eee ie ee ee ee ee ae