DOUGLAs « = LIBRARY Ki eT a ae ES Commission on Education Task Force on the Community College POSSIBLE* QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION - JANUARY MEETINGS The foliowing questions are surre only. There are other areas of discussion and pessible questions. Participants should in no way fowl restricted to dis- cussing the tollowing areas of coneern or auestions. The Task Foree members wish to play essentially a listening role at these meetings, however, they will also encourage <¢ look at various options within any area of concern. i Ll. Role and Function of a College . In general, some of the present roles of colleges appear to be the provision of a) continuing education; b) technical, career and vocational pro¢ranis; and c) academic transfer programs. What roles and functions do you envisage for a college? How do you think a cormunity college can best serve you and your community? . 2. College Regions. Shoule college boundaries be set? How? What recommendations do vou have for areas mot presently served by colleges? How do you believe remoce eng sparsely populated areas of the Province ecn best be served? 3. Coilege = Department of Education Relations. Should colleges relate directly to the Department of Education or through sone form of interbody, or both? oo a eA 4 » os oO G . What is the best way to finance the college? , Should a proportion of eollen GOpereting cost be borne by the region? Should a provortion of cotle3¢ opera costs derive from student fees? Should students receive trants-in-aid, BGtartzation grants or other forms of assistance? ue 9. The Colltége Council. Wne snoutd serveon a College Council? What should be the composition, responsibilitics and dutics of the College Council? Should a Cellecte Couneil Bepeeeeoltsned by appointment, clectiin or a coxbination cf both zeriedsa? OPsts wal a0as Of election or appointment should be used? Should ovlilege equnceliors receive an indemnity? G2 interdal Governance of the Collese. mt teveis below the Colicpe Council, what structure would you sceyest for Pesling wileh/tutdrival collése affairs? Wow should IEPGUtEent poiioy veCisiens Be fesened vitivin the collese? Who should participate in making pars oe? What recommendations would you make so that colleges could meet the needs of Students geouraphically or socic-eccnomically disadvantaged? What are the special problems of the part-time student? What are your suggestions for assisting such students? Submited b Dev Shergi// chi Divehv ¢