TERT) Hey there, So, presumably you are all settled in and stuff by now. You know where your classes are, and more importantly where all the local pubs are, and you've already began to justify Roce mniereri te ing on your assignments. Good for you. Well, now that that’s out of the way, you no longer have any excuses not to come and visit us at the OP. We're really nice. We like to sing songs and pre each other cookies. Plus, that Colin guy is a real card, and once you get to know him you realize that his love of little people really does come from the heart. So, there’s no need to pummel us with hate mail over his article in this week’s Opinions section. A&E gal Kali Thurber is always fun to hang out with too. She’s got her finger on the pulse of the Lower Mainland’s cultural vein. This week she wrote about Napoleon Dynamite, Bjork, and the Block Party at Victory Square. Whew! She TS ol Olel@) cool. Oh the adventures we have down in our lit- tle dungeon of an office in Room 1020. One time, Darren, the Sports Guy, came in with his shoelace untied, and Brandon from News was like, “Hey, Darren. Your shoelace is untied.” No, kidding. And that’s just one example of the kind of crazy things that happen around here. The stories I could tell. But you don’t have to take my word for it, come and witness the zaniness for yourselves. We all get together for a back-slapping, high- five session every Thursday night at 6pm (in Room 1020), why not put that homework on the backburner for another night and c’mon down and join us? We'll save you a cookie. Hugs and Kisses, \mandaAikman P.S. Mad props to whomever is responsible for the Atkins Bars in the vending machines this year.. CONGENGS _ I NINE iii o55, sc ecnssenercensdalivancdinsssddescetenL eae & Minority Government Good News for Post-Secondary .............00...cccccccccsssseeesseseeeeeeeeeees 4 News to Peruse, Amuse, and Confuse ................ccccssssssessesseeeeceesseeseeeeeestaseceseeeses 5 WPS OIE SUITE OPES oo Se sevebaecees Ce Aicadieec ae eee eee 6 ee eee ] Pe OUTING esis ccincs sco bles ashi ele ieee ] Wild Rosemary: The Smell of SUCCESS .............00..ccccsscccssceccssecesesseeeseneveceessesesennens ] SUOMI so. oa sky sacses ves autos tusinvactuia scene bogaimaigerenaben ee 8 MIINND oo csipi snnigilecrsnancdarcashss¥irsoGatens cals crac ae akieeetas ies 8 PN eeu tacos vsicnncésyusedse senses ccna uens adcee 9 CL 10 Sree Tinga s, GanceT ROHN se cccc cece ssscedecesessteesteccenssesdsceatnaesivanboceiieoens 10 Bjirk Comes out of the Closet, CD ReVIOW ...............cceecsecsecssesecsecsecsecsessersesseeeeeeees 10 Napolean Dynamite, Movie REVIEW ..........00...ccccccccecssccessseeeeecsceceeseeeceessececsaseeeenns ll Money for Nothing and Your Chicks for Free .......00......cccccscccccecsscccscesesseseseeesssseeesers 2 MUNIN NIN 25055 ches See tn sasccesadassnirtéasve douse dvinacihauleea tote B Ph cach oes ansacfeasic sesn Wa blgneenacvs iaiveignh REA ee Th MND NONI 5c co ucausvasesAhsuei deaicausdecessetarivansadbeyssl Gee tana ee 18 PUNO TIS cen cavsunechdbunscudavaraveres Coessbeleses cs Ou RER eee 8 UN IN 2655 cuca Res Ae wicaicdncassdey caveld xnvaeescdsveac tM CRe ree 18 BN ooo ccngoes vey canis neovedincaehaccomidubebes Ph dual tee aan 19