Know your coliccc For all of you who are Not so hard, eh? A lot Paying easier than your would you like to win perieuiorie? And a lot tickets to see the et ore rewarding? Yup. Grizz live in action? Or So rip out this page, tickets to the Monster pick up a pen and start Rally? Or one of many writing. Then drop it off exciting prizes from 7 , Joyce Robinsonphooo at Che Other Press the Other Press? office (that’s room 1020 in New West All you have to do is fill in the following or A3107 at David Lam) and we'll pick questionnaire. the winners. Too easy. Go for it. |. Where is the best place in Douglas College to catch a few winks? 2. Where is the best place in Douglas College to meet that special someone? 3. What washroom has the best ##@$""% graffiti? 7 = | 4 Who are the best and worst instructors you ever had at Douglas College? ee | 9. What is your favourite section of the Other Press? 6. Where is the best place to pick your nose? 7. Which eatery has the best food? 8, What are the easiest and hardest courses you have ever taken at Douglas College? 9, Where is the best place in Douglas College to have SEX? 10. Which bathroom stall has your favourite toilet? I]. Where is the best place to park around the Douglas College area? 12 What is the best scam you have seen pulled off by a Douglas College student? 13, What is the best sport to watch at Douglas College? 14. Where is the best night club around Douglas College’. 15. What Douglas College campus is the best and why? 16. What is the strangest thing you have seen a professor do or say? 17. What is the best word you can make out of the letters DOUGLASCOLLEGE? 18. What is the best way Douglas College wastes your tuition dollars? | 19. What is the best thing about Douglas College? | 20. What is the worst thing about DouglasCollege? | Name: Phone Number: Wi @ PFiZe! se Which campus is pictured above? 4 January 14, 1997 The Other Press