reer Page 3 by Perry Obedinshi | The Kwantlen College stu- dent Society will pay 90 nursing students $4 each, because of accidentally over charging for Student Society fees. They are Douglas College students, but they also paid Kwantlen Student Society fees,’ says Kevin Hallgate ‘who was instrumental in getting the Kwantlen Stu- dent Society to pay. “ ‘It’s looking good,’ says Augustus Kopps October 16, 1981 Nurses assn. rep. Nursing students are now allowed to use Kwantlen College facil- ites as long as it does’nt cost Kwantlen students any- thing. If there are more than 90 Band-aid solution for students nursing students requiring reimbu ‘If there are more than 90 nursing students requiring reimbursement Douglas College will pay the rest.’ says Bob Powell, KCSS president, but more than 90 Hf you think“high bias” is discrimination against tall people, youre not ready for New Memorex. HIGH BIAS II has 4 to 5 dB lower noise. Which means dramatically reduced tape hiss. And thanks to Permapass™, our extraordinary new binding process, the music you put on the tape stays on the tape. Play after play, even after 1,000 plays. In fact, new Memorex will al- ways deliver true sound reproduc- tion. Or we'll replace it. Free. Of course, we didn’t stop once we made new Memorex sound better. We also made it work better. By improving virtually every aspect of the cas- sette mechanism. We even invented a unique fumble-free storage album. So trust your next recording to High bias tape is specially formulated to deliver remark: ably improved sound repro- duction, particularly in the higher frequencies. And no high bias tape does that better than totally new Memorex HIGH BIAS Il. High bias Normal bias HIGH BIAS Il improves high frequency reproduction. We've developed a unique new formulation of superfine ferrite crystal oxide particles. And while that's a mouthful to say, it delivers an earful of results. Singers ring out more Clearly. Snare drums snap and cymbals shimmer with startling crispness. Even quiet passages sound clearer, Because new Memorex ©1981, Memorex Corporation, Santa Clara, California 95052, U.S.A. new Memorex. In HIGH BIAS II, normal bias MRX1 or METAL IV. As a discriminating tape user, you'll have a high opinion of the results. A highly biased opinion, thatis. NOW MORE THAN EVER 36 WE ASK: IS ITLIVE, ORISIT —<.° MEMOREX Other Press students recieving reimbur- sment is highly unlikely according to kevin Hall- gate. Because of lack of classroom space at Douglas, the nurs- es have to go to Kwantlen. In 1982, they will be at the new Douglas campus. (CAP) - The combined vol- leyball round robin and beer garden held Friday night on Winslow campus was a suc- cess. .. Third place ‘‘Comfort- ably Numb’’ hit the pub early as ‘‘Badminton Play- ers’’ grazed ‘‘Saphrozoo- ites’’ in a final that had fans reeling for beer. ..After- game action was marred by disco music, spil- led drinks and a fight. The next beer gardem is Friday Oct. 23. Bring yqur own volleyballs and music. CSF , continued from front page - ‘Kirk said,that the decision of the feds to cuts funding is a political decision, ‘The provincial government is getting credit for the money but not the feds.’ Jean Kirk also told the council of a petition by CFS.for the student council to distribute to the students. “We the undersigned, petition the Governments of Canada to:’ -stop the cutbacks to education and social ser- vices. -convene a public enquiry into post-secondary educat- ion. -replace student loans with grants. -ensure funds allocated to education are spent only on education. : -make public the full final report of the Federal-Prov- incial Student Aid Task Force. ‘Parents are not aware of ‘what their daughters and isons are facing,’ said D.C. Student Society hack, Kim Manning,who was also at the meeting ‘The students are not a great voting block.’ ‘Tuition is going to go through the roof, there is a total freeze on the capital spending and high sub- scription courses are not , getting additional funds because of this freeze,’ he concluded.