INSIDE DOUGLAS COLLEGE / April 14, 1992 College briefs Where have all the baskets gone? There seems to be a lot of basket cases on campus - at least that’s what the people in the Bookstore have noticed. Nearly all the handy shopping baskets that are used to carry goodies to departments have never made it back to the Bookstore. If you notice one in your area, would you please... & Fall 1992 registration dates The Fall 1992 registration dates outlined in the 1991/92 Douglas College calendar are incorrect. The correct dates are August 31, September 1, 2 and 3, 1992.4 Notice to instructors - reserve items Ir you wish to have items placed in the Reserve Collection for the summer semester, please com- plete a Library Reserve Request Form by April 15, 1992, and leave it at the library. a Attention all employees! Please be advised that, effective immediately, the Library will suspend all Library privileges for Douglas College employees who do not return library materials. Overdue notices will be sent as usual at the end of the semester, and a few weeks later suspension notices will be invoked for those who still have outstanding materials. The Library regrets this action, but the heavy demand for library materials has forced us to adopt a more proactive role in controlling the collection. a Canoeing for Valerie Valerie MacBean is leaving Douglas College after many years as a valued faculty member. In her honour we are holding a special Widgeon Creek canoe trip on Sunday, Mar 3, and we hope that many of you will be alble to join us. Canoes will be rented at Pitt lake and we will meet at about 9:30 am. A hike to the falls is also planned, and we hope to plan a pot luck lunch as well. Please con- tact Jean Hammer at local 5180 if you would like to come. & Spring Awards highlights The Foundation hosted another successful awards night on March 24. About 130 students took $140,000 in bursaries and scholar- ships to the bank. a For sale 321 luxury travel trailer, only 2 months old (never been used) sleeps 6, air conditioner, several appliances, dual sink, awning, dual propane tanks, bedroom, propane furnace. Only $19,000. Call 435- 9877. Wanted - to rent A family home near Herbert Spencer School beginning July 1 or August 1. Please call 522-6900 (evenings). & INSIDE continued from page 1 INSIDE Douglas College will now be published on the first Tues- day of every month. The new format will have a new look, with a revised nameplate on its front page, and more in-depth stories when possible. Some changes were made to the INSIDE after a readership survey a year ago, but Barber says the new format may permit some further modifications. “With the new monthly format we are examining more special- ized coverage and perhaps some special-theme issues when ap- propriate,” says Barber. “We will publish news stories, policy up- dates and, as always, we welcome ideas and contribution.” The deadline for submissions will now be two weeks before publication. Each issue will con- tain the deadline for the next. The first issue in the new format will appear on Tuesday, May 5. The deadline for submissions is Tuesday, April 21. & Thank you The opening of the Amelia Douglas Gallery was possible because of the enthusiasm and dedication of many individuals whom I wish to thank who cannot all be mentioned. Board members, Administration, PIO, IMS, Printshop, Music and Arts Manage- ment all played key roles. Warmest thanks to every member of the Arts Exhibition Committee. Thanks to all of you who showed your support by attending. Sabine Mabardi