| DOUGLAS COLLEGE Reductions in Douglas College Educational Services and Offerings During the Current Year (Continued) Par ar B. Impact of "Restraint II" Program On July 30, 1982, a further reduction of $350,000 in this year's budget was imposed by the Ministry of Education. he College was also advised to assume that the funding level for next year (1983/84) would be reduced by a further $235,000 and will not include any inflationary increase for salaries or other expenditures. For this school year, the $350,000 requirement has been met by: 1) using al] operating capital (equipment purchases) to pay salaries. 2) suspending one intake (January) of Early Childhood _ Education students. 3) suspending one intake (January) of the Long Term Care Aide Program. 4) a further reduction of 12 sections (Business -3, Performing Arts -2, and Academic -7). 5) 3% roll-back of administrative salaries. 6) faculty agreement to five (5) days leave without pay. Further impacts will be felt during the next (1983/84) school year, including the elimination of the Academic Summer School, reduction of community programming, further reductions in student services, and probably program eliminations. These impacts will be affected by the 1983/84 actual budget, negotiations with College employees, and student fee revenue. WLD/gb Att. - Appendix