Th 1 er ~ Aad _- A Ne as College Newslett Monday, January 21, 1980 = es: if Ba nr IC} thu FACULTY TIMETABLES wo Just a reminder of my memo of December 18 in which I asked that a copy of your timetable be sent to my office by January 21. Could you please ensure that this is done by next mail if you have not as yet submitted this information? Many thanks. aranewets Marilyn Smith INFORMATION ON EXCHANGES The Canadian Studies Project of the Association of Canadian Community Colleges offers a program of financial and administrative assistance for full-time exchanges for faculty, students and administrators of i Canada's community colleges. ; The financial assistance takes the form of small bursaries in the ; following amounts: Students _ $ 850.00 Faculty $1,500.00 Administrators Si/525.0..00 The administrative assistance consists of aid in arranging exhanges. To encourage the fullest possible participation, 4 types of exchanges are possible: a) One-to-one exchanges -- someone from one college exchanges with someone from another college at the same time, b) Exchanges which do not require an exact time match -- where a college hosts someone from another college one year and the next year the other college reciprocates, c) Sister college exchanges -- where two colleges make a commitment to have a series of exchanges over a number of years, d) One-way exchanges -- where none of the above are available, but arrangements can be made between two colleges for an exchange in one direction. Letter of application including curriculum-vitae, current letters of reference and preferred region and college(s) are to be forwarded to: Sere: os