INTERNATIONAL SEMINARS PROGRAMME COLLEGE SEMINAR ON NIGERIA AND THE CAMEROON — 1975 |. OBJECTIVES: The primary aim of the College Seminar Programme is to inform the Canadian academic community of development in the Third World. A number of students are selected to research particular aspects of development under the direction of Canadian and host country faculty in Canada and overseas. The results of this research are published and then distributed to Canadian institutions while slide/sound shows, workshops and conferences are organized to enable discussion of the issues by a broader section of the community. Il. STRUCTURE The Seminar on Nigeria and the Cameroon has three stages: 1. The selection and preparation of faculty and student participants. The period of research in the field. The compilation of data into reports and media presentations and the organization of conferences and workshops. Selection of both students and faculty is made largely on the basis of academic competence. Faculty are expected to have some professional experience in either Nigeria or the Cameroon; students are required to submit an outline of a research topic in one of the areas noted in Section III (below). All participants must work as part of a research group, and will be required to undertake preliminary research before leaving Canada and to follow up their field research on their return. Faculty applicants must be prepared to supervise the research projects of students at all stages of the programme. All applicants must be Canadian citizens or landed immigrants. Approximately 50 students and 7 facuity will be selected. Research in the field will be carried out in teams under the joint supervision of Canadian, Nigerian, and Cameroonian faculty. Six weeks will be spent in this stage; three in Nigeria, and three in the Cameroon. On their return to Canada, participants will complete their research and submit reports for a publication on the réle of voluntary agencies in the development of the two countries. Slide/sound shows, conferences and workshops will also be organized by participants as part of a continuing educational programme. lll. RESEARCH AREAS Under the general topic of the rdle of voluntary agencies, participants will examine the following areas in their research: 1. Agricultural development Health services Education Social welfare programmes ee ab Handicrafts All research will be conducted with a view to the effects which voluntary agencies have had upon these areas of development. IV. FINANCES The overall cost of the programme, including costs in Nigeria and the Cameroon, are estimated at $2,500 per participant. Students are required to raise $800 towards these costs; much of this amount will be raised from college sources with the assistance of WUSC. Faculty will not receive honoraria, but all costs bearing directly upon the Seminars programme will be met by WUSC. During the period in Nigeria and the Cameroon, the costs of lodging, meals and travel will be borne by WUSC, in so far as they are essential to the programme. Further information may be obtained from local WUSC groups on college campuses, or from: The Seminars Committee, World. University Service of Canada, 27 Goulburn Ave., Ottawa, Ontario. K1N 8C7