/ DOUGLAS COLLEGE IMTER OFFICE MEMO TO Mad Hatter DATE: Dec. 9, 1975 “me FROM: Janice Friesen Library - NW RE Semester end procedures will begin in the library on December 19, 1975. Please return all library materials and pay overdue fees by this date. DOUGLAS COLLEGE INTER OFFICE MEMO Loa i i . Tth Deceaber 1975. TO Eloise Linc icaum , DATE: 7th Decerd 975 FROM: Jenn M. Busan RE Dourlas Collere Theatre Croduc wions A tne a 4 t 3 pacey Pics 294 poy anous I auten led Ore wl '3¢ Ure or zePrain eee ven OV stude 1GS OF “Us rey vw VApUS ae Ww MAPS a ate wae > wt eae ew > ? an t J Gn es iday e under the direction of Dorothy Jonese -* cal - 4 377 6 } We four one-ach plays were most en in view of the fact that they were oy 42123 Ot ne-ach plays Were WOSs ty : ze that t+hp no means gasy plays to ao, and that the acted. + on ~ 4 .; ware neophytes, were extresely well j ress ‘I rlly no + was therefore apoalled at the sparse yudience present. There were oractically n staft or familty there a} e Otte It was very hard for m2 to cmieeuband wily Doug las “ advantaze of such a nlenasint evening offering rigint £ College people should 1 9) their own Camps. Ths even a bars és watian wt b the 4 of hard work and effort which went into such a productton, ven I think of e amount of nar: Ci Fee ee aed the T renlize now harbors sta such Lack of support mist have neen for Vorouny ae - ~ she ae Ese Ato ils Lee : : . sbacerts I do hone nore Pp aople turned up on Saturday, aad thst even more will for wh SGWUCEI use QO sik - J : Leys Nex > Joa tt know shat you mis sed - "lS an Woman" effort next Trpday and Satarday. You people doatl ¢ L PAA Bay t J a Lbs 88.9 a and only 21.50 2 seate 13 zat 5 Ta ad sabbar before aext week SWlotse, I hone it may oe possible to ges this in to The tlid saute eapnass to encourage a few nore pe vople to go. ‘ aroduchilon, . ' th ec? ‘ ce. vworoth;, Jones * a VE ute tat por . ye 7 he é an v4 alle A phi birt” 3