No. 402 Very Hard 5 8 6 7 9 2 6 8 4 3 9 The solutions will be published here in the next issue. Previous solution - Tough © 2018 Syndicated Puzzles N o>) oO ol NO ©o co ©} O1;/ OPM | + | CFO; N |} OO] OO; | OT; GOP PM | + NM) ey) oe PO | N | cOyor| &) |) P70 |O;MDI@O) N Oo) N |) O17] | CO] BY] OO| © CO}O/ OOo; M| NIH/|_ oO) —/O)|/ WO] | Ol N | Po O1;)/ NM) REN | O| =] OQ |G CO} CO} NO) OM) MFR) oj Werkly crvisivene | fy Carahine Mo. Assiaran Editor VA. Pal PSs dea ana wat A Sule oe -histel & Severs if Hany Potter ep Head q Aali's Purtlaict =. Aerie earner ped fo, WEL eer, deiverigg Telly ble nedndng af “Get things dose efficiently’ aad the flewie ot rhe paneely wl J) anon dled diag Suh leva ated try twilbeli a5. Share 25,7 hed fwepapr (abl) SQ. DAP NG Gener y a et ple gin Charred perk del Tlie “Ve 0 Meare of a Coy) cooneiE cule prt Galoter, | 74 Son ef Tied Alien Greek Miah gO. Sealy 3h. Clute: aweiy i: Type po. A large ed of che thal vod of bo- arte qe Clnrkar sty Jor Tay ete cual elie 45. Secs TUS per Bee par Gel yt, Dquatnsial 44. Canalo ar hats qe, LES exp Vabinne & Sts se. Peney a Erall annrale jig bert eraahie medal “Gor Seaple its, Titeal Ail patti igh ia bee Ba. Cau et Reetaaraaitt baad Fie aileqinart pTeil mi Versi ha. Coprinnition of si-sceoas (owl Ae). More ponteol bee you fee gaedd alsdipkc op. Rear =a. Puthls dp) meclicis etl Cut 74. Young ews wh Neelbe ona DOW i Wahing oni 5. Paving bird +. Preteen hres: a. Sil pet y Tal Tiny amount &. Poniliry a. Fired & Clhetoor pian &. Neiiliet 5 partir fi Find 2 ami pe. Baeliry 1x, Old dlame aT, Peuods tality.) ha. etter & ape ila Wharalogg tt tied aerz [al door, =. Crunterpart af cia. and Previous solution 22. Sapo, er franeaia 24. Seed covering: ze. eri af, Baking oe weuremecit (abbr) 25, (ne teal of 1b-acreas ny. Pat tape ey (i, Second bialf of afegepoee 1, LSE cena lite Ory 2, Bombards wiih eenill propytiie yy. Dppe of frecheater lish wee ER da le Hie qh Moetical pip el read oneal (abba 4a. Cigars « 43. Tertarke heavily da. The “AT SATH arith 47. hein War a8 Exinet (ighiless bare ao. Momnwhear attera_raadn felepiene combat Labs) Ea Wipe Poe] 9 Prefix mmeauling “rock” ath Leia faim AC ‘gg. Tnirial panier bid Ga, Sipe Bae Oi Aap {i 7g) daw aris dite at Hy Ligile devi 64. Casal shirt Oa, om, jertls Lalste) eb, Aiton! material 67 Almond of cashew. eg. fun, Plijplatke ai [sltal fo. Ordinal qublly Ta. Wk ay jo|a Comic by Nova