ae > Education is not a competition Jessica Berget Opinions Editor ur education system has a lot of flaws, but none as nonsensical as the bell curve grading system. Not only does this method of distributing grades fail to accurately evaluate students’ learning processes, it turns education and learning into a contest, a “battle royale” for the top grades. Grading someone on how they learn by giving them a letter is already a ridiculous concept, but distributing the letter grades on a bell curve makes zero sense. I believe this goes against everything learning is about and all that education holds sacred, and any professors who still believe this method of grading legitimately helps students learn should have their teaching license revoked. In case the name doesn’t give it away, grading on a bell curve is a method of evaluation based on the belief that letter grades in a class ought to be distributed on a bell curve—meaning that no matter how well you do on an assignment or a test, only a certain number of students will get A’s and B’s and the rest of the students are stuck with C’s, which is not always an accurate representation of a students work and progress. There are many professors who foster this grading system because they believe that if you want to get a good grade in their class, you have to work extra hard for it, but isn’t that what getting a good grade entails anyway? Answer: Yes, it is, and every student already knows and struggles with this, so why make it even more difficult? By turning good grades into a competition, the professors who use this system are only making it harder for sithis still la thing ae dingfon abell Curve oa rs students who have trouble with school to get better grades, because they will be perpetually stuck in the C grade category with no room for them to learn from their mistakes and grow. Even if these students improve significantly by their own standards, if they don’t do exceptionally well compared to the other students, they will only ever get C’s. Most of these professors also use this bell curve to create extra pressure and competition between their students to be one of the top students in the class. It also gives a sense of elitism because getting an A ina class that has this grading system is practically impossible unless you already get straight A’s. Generally, in this system of evaluation, it is the same people who are at the top, the middle, and the bottom of the class for the entire semester. And, if you happen to do poorly on an assignment, your grade will fall hard. ef Illustration by Cristina Spano via ‘The New York Times’ This is not because the system works, but because the system makes it hard for them to work their way up and improve. Even if every student does a grade A job on an assignment, only a select few will be deemed worthy of the grade. This is not at all an accurate representation of students’ work. I believe learning and education is about how much you can improve yourself and your grades based on your own standards and level. There is also room to grow and learn from your mistakes because you never stop learning, and this system of grading does not represent that, nor does it celebrate student’s educational achievements by any means. It could even deter some students from trying their best in school because the competitiveness of getting a decent grade is too great. The bell curve is not an accurate evaluation of learning, so stop pretending that it is. Wrapping up my new clothes 1s unnecessary Photo by Analyn Cuarto > It’s pretty, but wasteful Katie Czenczek Staff Writer used to love when clothing stores would wrap my newly purchased items in tissue paper. It felt like a gift for myself and somehow justified the expensive t-shirt I bought from a high-end clothing store. Maybe it’s because now I try to be less wasteful, or if I’m being more environmentally-friendly to make up for the fact that I still eat meat. Either way, the fancy little tissue paper that I used to love has now become my greatest enemy. Yes, for the most part it is only expensive clothing and lingerie stores that tend to wrap clothes before putting them in shopping bags, but it is still a major problem. Ijust don’t get it. What is the point of wrapping clothes if I already know what’s in the bag? Is the whole purpose of it in the hopes that I'll forget about my new jacket in the bag so I get a nice surprise when I get home? I’ve had retail employees look shocked when I ask them not to wrap my new clothes, or ask for no bag at all. One of them even replied, “Really? Are you absolutely sure?” Yes, Jill, lam 100 per cent sure. I believe that this speaks volumes about our culture. We live in a society where every bag, take-out box, and yes, clothing store wrapping paper gets a single use and then is chucked out the second we get home. The majority of these items do not get disposed of properly and end up in landfills, which eventually trickle into the ocean. If Finding Nemo was made more accurately, Dorey and Marlin would be swimming around in our plastic bags, straws, and every other item that we use once and then toss. T have less qualms about shopping bags and take-out boxes than I do clothing store tissue paper. Everyone’s been ina situation where you completely forget your reusable shopping bag. Unless you have eight arms, there really is no way for you to be able to hold your weeks’ worth of groceries without a bag. Wrapping paper, on the other hand, is only there to be pretty. Let’s take Victoria’s Secret as a case study. There are over 1,500 Victoria’s Secret stores worldwide, all of which wrap every single piece of underwear, lingerie, and intimate wear that is purchased. Although they use paper, which in theory should be recyclable, most of it does not get disposed of properly. Would it not be better to just do away with wrapping paper in clothing store bags all together? It’s a waste of time for employees trying to get through a huge lineup while having to perfectly wrap every item and it is bad for the environment. If stores just stopped unnecessarily wrapping clothes, they would save more money that they waste on this wrapping paper, reduce line up wait times, and the kicker; fewer trees would die for the sake of pretty paper.