OHA Oy Tit Cont Editor The Way Things Sometimes Are ’m having troubles differentiating between what constitutes a “cult,” and what constitutes a “religion.” Is it the actions of a religion that sep- arate it from a cult? Can good deeds help transform a run-of-the-mill cult into a super-duper religion? If Group A feeds the hungry, while Group B gathers in covens under a full moon to evoke the Goddess, is Group A more religious than Group B in the public’s eyes? Not if Group A only has 25 members, it isn’t. What’s the difference between the vow of amoeboid asexuality taken by Catholic nuns and priests, and the same vow taken by Heaven’s Gate members? Aside from the number of Catholics dwarfing the number of Heaven’s Gate members, nothing. The more I think about it, damn near all religions seem daft to me. Judaism appears equally as bat-shit crazy to me as Scientology. becemoer 1/2000 Sn Maybe it’s the amount of brainwash- ing that differentiates a “religion” from a “cult.” Maybe cults “brainwash” mem- bers, whereas religions allow people to come to an informed decision on their own. Uh, no, I don’t think so. Is it brain- washing that leads a healthy young person to strap a pipe bomb to their body in the name of Allah? Yep. Just like it’s brain- washing to believe so fervently in an end-of-the-world-during-the-solar-eclipse scenario, that you’re willing to drink poi- sonous Kool-Aid. Granted, these examples come from the far ends of reli- gious fanaticism, but it seems to me that, to a large degree, a// religions brainwash their members. Why is Jehovah’s Witness a religion, while David Koresh’s Branch Davidians get torched, fried, and cooked alive as a dangerous cult? Apparently, if the Does the number of members—and the bank account that comes with a large con- gregation—make a “cult” a “religion?” You betcha. It’s the mathematics of mysticism. Money equals power and influence these days. Power and influence equals the abil- ity to affect elections. Electoral muscle equals: all the politicians and cops better be nice if they know what’s good for them. All organized religions and cults seem to believe that they have “the one true world view” that will earn them eternal peace. But isn’t a belief that you’ve got it all figured out the folly of the foolish? I mean, the world /oks pretty damned flat to me, but I’m fairly certain it’s actually a sphere, right? Notice I said, “fairly cer- tain.” The fervent belief in one’s favourite Belief System—to the exclusion of both all other systems, and changes in accepted facts—is the end of creative thought. I mean, if one knows the “real true truth,” what’s the point of seeking any new infor- mation? If there’s a 2,000-year-old book—or a drug-addled guru figure— with the entire code of conduct for “proper living,” what’s the point of striv- ing at all? Who needs self-betterment when you’ve just got to resist temptation to earn a backstage pass to heaven for all eternity? Plus, any religion worth its weight in salt will throw in the cult-like glazed eyes of the truly devout, free of cost. Davidians had had enough mem- bers—and money—to influence the election of public officials, they would have suddenly become a “real religion,’ and the Waco, Texas, incident never would have happened. It’s a question of public accept- ance. It seems to me that if a “cult” has enough members to have an absurdly large bank account, then widespread acceptance won't be far behind. With widespread accept- ance, a “cult” will be miraculously transformed into a “religion.” It’s like the Catholic miracle of tran- substantiation—where wafer and wine become the body and blood of Christ during communion. OT oo: 01 01 01 61 01 01 6: oso DOUGLAS COLLEGE BOOKSTORE USED BOOK BUYBACK NEW WESTMINSTER CAMPUS Thursday, DC 9.........cccseeeeesecrone9330 am. to 3:30 Friday, Dec 10............sccssceesseeseeeee 9330 @.M, to 3:30 p. Monday, Dec 13.........:.csseessererveeeee 930 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. m p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 14............000e:s00020+e9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Wednesd Thursday, y DOC. 15. .serssesrrverenserree 9:30 @M tO 3:30 p.m. 16. cassescenesesenseeeee69:00 @.M. tO 3:30 p.m. DAVID LAM CAMPUS Thursday, Dec 9..........cseseeeeseeeee9530 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Friday, 3:30 p. Monday, Dec 13.........:cccsecereeseeeene9230 &.m. to 3:30 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 14..........sccceseeeeee9:30 a.m, to 3: m y DOC. 15......seseeseeeeeee930 a.m to 3:30 p.m « 16....2ccseeeeeneeeseeseee 9290 mM. to 3:30 p.m. Wednesd Thursday, ..9:30 a.m. to = ele aa gear STUDENT I.D. IS REQUIRED DUNEPPPOSS | 7