VB Qe Plunging through the tunnel even faster than before enveloped by the darkness looking for an opened door. Like a pinpoint in the distance I see a speck of light growing nearer by the second by the second its more bright I Ask-myself is this the end or is it the beginning, there was a crash, a bang, Zo. Portrait of Abuse I remember CA VS I remember you father you threw me down the stairs and locked me in my room | you-still beat me in my dreams I awake screaming : but the dream does not fade. I remember you mother you pushed me from the car I remember my coma that stole so much I waited for attention which I never received Only pain. The day they came perhaps the worst 1 On that day, I thought XS that my life had truly gone bad / You told me lies AEE You beat me submissive And I loved you. Yet I still remember it all | / But then perhaps not all \.! No, never all I lie awake awaiting the memories / know will come with sleep S Sleep, I remember not - good sleep. Hof | / I need you no longer | / by B. R. Thiessen ee I am trapped and then I heard sweet voices singing Once back in the light xs I'm almost finished with the race. #9 I look into the coffin, there’s a smile upon my face. aaa ae by Vanessa Rooke Le I run with my arms swinging into the mouth of the night I look back And see the mouth has closed Back into the realm of mirrors ten thousand reflections of myself without knowing which is real ks you can all see me Se \ . : 2 \ and who is watching you af | Do you know whose reflection you see in the mirror or whose blood r Untitled = There’s a girl who I hate drips from your own veins- she makes me really mad! There’s a man who is weak, isn’t that too bad? a He tells me that he loves me = but runs to this girls side, alone in here I sit, Communication’s been denied I won’t stand in his way, Su and wait for some bad news, like, "baby I am leaving you" 7 I cannot bear to lose. . / Nay When I met this man, ee / I loved him with all of my heart, never did I dream, We'd ever fall so far apart. Zor So I’m going to let him go, go to run his chosen way, I cannot make him want me, ‘ the way I wanted him today! /” ‘ \ by Corrina Tolmie THE POETREE PAGE Now accepting submissions ly) las College Students Only eae at The Other Press office, room 1020