the hi Cf Press ..breathing darkroom chemicals since 1976 \ 1996 Alas poor Susan, we knew her... well, not really. ...And just like that, she’s gone. Not so much as a “by your leave,” just a brief letter saying, in effect, “I quit,” and she's out of here. I'm referring, of course, to our esteemed, and now ex, president of DC, Dr. Susan Hunter-Harvey. Her Douglas email account canceled, her cellular phone returned.After Bill Day’s monumental (and, it seemed, never-ending) reign as president, Susan Hunter-Harvey’s nine months seem like no more than a blip in the continuum. What went wrong? Why, after such a lengthy process to select the perfect president, did Hunter-Harvey resign, having served less than a year in office? The official scuttlebutt is that nobody knows nothing except for Hunter-Harvey, and she’s not talking, least of all to the OP. Everybody on the fourth floor looks suitably shocked over her abrupt departure, and the phrase “I don’t know” rings from behind every office door and hangs on every lip, like they're afraid that people might hold them personally responsible for Harvey-Hunter’s departure. She was doing a great job, they say. She was a great person, they say. There were a few problems, sure, but those were just transitional glitches after so many years of Bill Day. Give it time, and things will function smoothly. But did they? Or was she thwarted at every turn by the phantom of Mr. Day? The channels of power cut deep after 20 years, and it’s tough to change their course, especially within a year.And, by her own admission, she spent most of her time playing figure-head- networking with other BC colleges, meeting local businesspeople, sucking up to the government. How can you establish authority within an institution if you’re always being shuttled off to another function, another meeting? Oh, | wouldn’t go as far as to-say that she was deliberately Shanghaied by petty bureau- crats afraid for their own positions. Rather, | would say that the course she followed, “meeting with others such as college presi- dents from around the province to ensure the entire post-secondary system functions effectively” kept her focus on the higher levels of administration. Hunter-Harvey admitted that “The building of partnerships between the college, business, government, labour and many international interests requires a great deal of time and effort.” Perhaps it took too much time. Too much effort. Perhaps she would have been better served to look first to her own college, partnership building be damned, at least until she had established herself. The circumstances surrounding her appointment as president were hectic. Besides all the other responsibilities of her office, the school was going through major restructuring and reorganization, the last hurrah of the outgoing Day. Imagine hopping into a washing machine on the spin cycle, and you’ve got some idea what it must have been like sitting down in that presidential chair for the first time.And by spending a great deal of time and effort on things happening outside the college, | believe that she lost sight of what was happening inside of the college, just long enough for everyone to return to what they were doing before she arrived. She held everyone’s attention, if only for a moment, and instead of calling people to her, she let them go back to the way they were before. Following old streambeds instead of forging new ones. Which is too bad, because | liked her, and | liked a lot of what she stood for. She dreamed of dragging Douglas into the future, but discovered that she had to drag the college- out of the past first.And she failed. Oh, she accomplished some good things, but she failed to change the course of an institution caught in a twenty-year deep rut. She suffered the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, but ended her troubles after a mere nine months. Alas poor Susan. There are people who mourn your leaving, even if we didn’t really know you. dyword betointzeinU Yo z1s¥ yinawl—zean4 191480 oT BCCI Eradmaiqee 23% (WOW DSIIIUCIWIU JU Choi GHNIWi--edo11 Wide Shit Orcs C 19GhINGSe aw