‘- Cee nal NUL ZIMA OR ZS Xo ha letipeacleaser| bsg ecpon ato arya enema ret ee ee ee ree = og Oe Oe mF Ad ie paemnnraty oT a ee oe hs Oe del Wh UI Ser at Payee a FP al AS ae ee EP TT TINT a a (604) 520-5400 700 Royal Avenue, New Westminster, B.C. 5 a Mailing Address: P.0. Box 2503, New Westminster, B.C. V3L 5B2 Hazards for visually impaired avoidable While the wrestling event held in the concourse a couple of weeks ago was entertaining for many students, for Nat Armeni it was a headache. He’s one of many visually impaired students at Douglas Col- lege who take the same route to class every day, using planters, gar- bage cans, or whatever they can as reference points for their journeys. \Vhen the routine gets broken, as it is by events in the concourse, Ar- meni may not get to class on time. "| learn a route to a particular area," says Armeni. "| can go another way, but | use the railings for a guide." That’s another prob- lem; students like to sit on the stairs by the railings, and they often don’t get out of the way. "One girl saw me coming and got out of the way, but left her book behind. | slipped on it." Other hazards include doorways left half open (a cane may miss it) and tables moved around (the tip of the cane goes under it). Armeni and Community Studies. Participants were guided through something that looked like Conga-line therapy during a recent career day for the Department of Child, Family says that Douglas College is fairly easy to get around in, but he still gets banged up in incidents that are usually avoidable. "I’ve got bruises all over." Acting Director of Student Services Ted James says people around the College need to realize that a barrier they create may not be visually identifiable. "No one expects that there won’t be difficulties for people with dis- abilities, but awareness of the mobility problems facing them could be higher," he says. "We do get capital grants from the Ministry to make improvements for physical- ly challenged people, but it’s the little things that have a significant impact." # isioe INSIDE November 26, 1991 , Savage in Limbo Messiah | Profiles Events Calendar The Inside Zone Sports Briefs 2 2 3 4 | Coquitlam Corner 4 5 6 A 8 Institutional Self-Study Update