IV. Ve 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Mad Hatter Page 6 Special needs vocational training: - TRAC, - Upgrading. Independent Learning Techniques: - in co-operation with O.L.I. Co-operative offerings with provincial institutes. Contracting of educational programs — €-ges inter- national Eng eens teng lage Institute. Part-time/full-time delivery of all programs. Recurrent education in selected curriculum areas. Speclalization where subject matter is similar between institutions, as has been done in "English as a Second Language." : Entrepreneurtal education. Co-operative education patterns of existing programs. THE COLLEGE PLANS TO TRANSFER FROM BASE TO ALTERNATIVE OBJECTIVES, IF NECESSARY: THE SERVICES: THE 1. 2. Non-core programs. The variety of offerings within each core program field. COLLEGE PLANS NOT TO: lie 2. Offer distance education. Offer designated "trades" training. COLLEGE PLANS TO RETAIN: Facilities at Maple Ridge. Media Services (1.M.S.) Student Services: - provide or maintain those that give access to College programs.