ae. “JOINT PRESENTATION 10 0 HE oven BRIAN R.D. RE DOUGLAS/KWANTLEN COL f GET, 19 | (82. AND oe : Mr. Minister: | eth | in 3 We appreciate your ‘willingness to provide the time for. ‘our meeting today. | Our Boards are aware of ‘the pressures on your M Ministry arising fr continuing inflation, ‘the uncertainties of pemgerted: revenue, 7 ane elaboration of Ministry services, systems, | and programs. © on Nevertheless, the Busy eesct ta Tas. College and Kwantlen allege, consis ting 1 of el lected representati| d persons a Sates ioee y yourself, consider it | a duty to inform you Oreos actions re nfor to the budget allocated to us. In addition, we st st acquaint you with the difficulties mi faced by fe moles eer ae longer ger term in annualiz zing this year's budget. in coping with the creation of two organizations out of the old Douglas Cc allege, ‘in n proving for oe mum use of the New Westminster — oi =m nent Campus, d in pr viding : servi ses fer the yapidly increasing | DOD ies renahauy Bue pesians as projected in the Lowe Mainland Demographic EUS CUSET On PADRE ‘Prepared by Dr. Fisher ae November. ‘The i cremental | costs of 0 erating ba leges is a problem facing both ie col Teges with its majo “impact in the operat onal ae tee eeie aes : the Management pais oe Council. ‘The original budget estimates for the “split” were developed by the College in ‘duly 1980 and were based on our best estimates as to the additic onal levels of staffing and s: rvice required © to operate two medium-size Colleges as o opposed to one large C “Coll jege. ee budget estimates general ly fell into three categories. 1. Increased course offerings to provide a $295,215 “comprehensive program at both Colleges” he ea 2 “Increased staffing of central services 1,796, 645 to operate two Colleges (inc cluding sitions vl in 1981/82. Bu dget Request ate 3. Monee tea costs of establishing eee ‘he two. College ; or It should be noted that these estimates were based on non- inflated dol = ‘Now that we are essentially operating as two utions - it is evi Bae that our esti mated ‘levels of stan were fairly accurate.