REPORT FROM THE CFF DIRECTOR Some members of the CFF Executive attended the Sixth Annual meeting of the B.C. Association of College on June 8, 1973. As a result of a resolution at that meeting a joint ad hoc committee to explore areas of mutual agreement re: Colleges Act was formed. Representatives of CFF, BCAC, Principals' Association, VIA. SVI, and BC A S U met on June 25, 1973. CFF brief on Colleges Act became the basis for discussion. The consensus was reached on the following points. CFF BRIEF Pal DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE “Minister of Education _ fiebees Giiicalicw ot i D Mini Minister K-12 pie eee ee ' | , Post Secondary Risepemersiacpitiass i Pen ee sy “Asst. Deputy Min Colleges ‘Asst. Deputy Min University P.2 College Regions add Rationale C. Boundaries to be set by the Government (not by plebiscite) P.3 Financial Support for Colleges accepted. Change college Board of Governors to read College Councils. P.4 The College Council should consist of 1/3 elected from the community 1/3 appointed by the Lt.Gov.-in-Council 1/3 elected internally - equally from Faculty, Staff, Students. P.5 The Powers and Duties of the College Council dive To assume the entire responsibility for fiscal policy including hiring, firing, acquiring, negotiating and preparing budget expenditures. ‘ a To lay down general educational policies for the college. It was agreed that the functions of the Council was setting, not implementing policies.