Homebrews provided by the following: Derek Francis Gordon Gilgan Jim Gunson Garth Homer Other entertainments include: Druidic Chanting Special Guest Disappearance of Bouncing Eggs Description of the events leading up to the 2nd World War (in German) German type food ee = Admission freecon possession of either: a) Lederhosen b) Alpine hat c) Thick guttural accent : - All Béers Free"." § 5, @ Ht Location: WAKE KKERIKKIK All welcome. oe HOMEBREW OKTOBERFEST SATURDAY 30TH OCTOBER 1971 FIRST OFFICIAL FUNCTION THE DOUGLAS COLLEGE WELSH ASSOCIATION Otherwise, $1.00 per couple (to pay for the food) 7843 - 108A Street, Delta ( Map available later) Please notify Dave Williams at Surrey if you are going to come. 2 OOOO OY a a Fr CAE Yd Larry Mitchell Jim Sellers Dave Williams & others - Nick (radical) Mansfield - Al Lawson (in 'Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep") - Dave Williams - Barry Leach P.S. Free Parking : ! fe