hat your parents tell you about going to college is true. People who go to university are less likely to be unemployed, a recent study discovers. The study, from the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, further reveals that the province's university graduates are picking up the full tab for their degrees. In a media release, author Robert Allen, a Professor in the Department of Economics at UBC, says that, “University graduates pay a portion of their degree costs through tuition, while the rest is recouped through the higher taxes they pay after graduation.” Allen also said, “University graduates, on average, experience significantly lower unem- ployment rates than those with no post-sec- ondary education or with technical or voca- tional degrees. They also earn better incomes... They pay higher taxes because of their enhanced earning power.” That means that university grads are paying the full cost of their degrees. It also means that universi- ty education actually pays for itself. “Those who claim that universities are subsidized institutions should think twice,” says Allen. “Not only do universities pay for themselves, but you get more bang for your buck by investing in universities—the eco- nomic returns are higher than other invest- ments.” Allen also points out that policies aimed at increasing fees amount to double billing the students for the cost of education and reduce access. Tuitions fees have been frozen in BC for three years, but tuition fees across Canada have been risen by an average of 45% in the last five years. Average student debt per borrower will exceed $25,000 by the end of the 1998-99 school year. 90¢. prof pleads guilty to growing pot JAMIE WOODS _ VANCOUVER (CUP)—A University of Victoria sociology professor, who specializes in the family’s role in society, has pleaded guilty to cultivating and possessing marijuana for the purpose of trafficking. During a raid on the home of Jean Veevers, police found 122 marijuana plants . and 8.6 kilograms of marijuana, the Vancouver Sun reported last Wednesday. The University of Victoria says it will wait until Veevers is sentenced before decid- ing on any disciplinary action. “T guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens,” said Patty Pitts, a university information officer. “There’s no cut and dried policy for this kind of thing.” Veevers, who has been a faculty member at the University of Victoria since1980, is York gets piece of rainforest DEREK CHEZZI TORONTO (CUP)— Environmental studies students at York University will soon be able to study a rainforest firsthand following a gift of Costa Rican land to the university by a Canadian researcher. Dr. Woody Fisher, a medical researcher and co-founder of the Canadian Liver Foundation, donat- ed 133 hectares of rainforest land to York last week. Located near the village of San Isidro, Costa Rica, the land— called Las Nubes—has been virtu- ally untouched by humans. ed the site for two weeks last sum- mer, says the gift will enhance the learning experience for students in the faculty. “[This land, Las Nubes] gives the opportunity for students to go down and learn more about tropi- cal ecology...to witness firsthand and walk through a tropical rain- forest,” said Znajda, who will be returning to the site for six months in January. Nestled on the edge of a forest that sits above the Los Cusingos Bird Sanctuary, Las Nubes is part of the largest undisturbed raw for- est in Central America. slated to teach a third-year course on the family and society in January. Neil Boyd, a professor of criminology at Simon Fraser University, says he’s not aware of a faculty member ever being convicted in Canada for such an offense before. But he says Veevers wouldn't be the only professor in Canada with a criminal record. “Certainly there are faculty [with crimi- nal records] in Canadian universities who teach, and there are faculty who have received convictions for things like impaired driving,” he said. Mel Hunt, Veevers’ legal counsel, has asked the court to consider an electronic monitoring sentence. Veevers will be sentenced November 27 in British Columbia Supreme Court. ae ds already pay full cost of degrees are you doing in 19997 Habitat Restoration Program Information Session Thursday, Nov 26 - Spm New West Campus - Room 3903 Habitat Restoration is a skills-based program that lets you combine your interest in the environment with a rewarding career. It's ideal if you have completed studies in biology or geography. aeodl Come to the free Information Session and learn about program study options and career opportunities in the private and public sector. Located at Coquitlam's David Lam Campus, the Habitat Restoration Program has new student intakes in January and September, 1999. Spaces are limited so apply early. For more information call 527-5817. EN Douglas College * New Westminster Campus 700 Royal Avenue (1 block from SkyTrain) Douglas College Meet « Sel Year-round admission 8,500 students from over 85 countries Over 50 bachelor’s degrees including Travel Industry Management Graduate programs include MBA, MA, MSIS, MSN Small class size The $100,000-valued piece of rainforest will be used by York to study sustainable land develop- ment. Nearly $26,000 in gifts and pledges have been raised for a fund supporting research at the site for An agreement with Costa Rica’s Tropical Science Centre will ensure that the land and surrounding for- est are protected from being used for cash crops and cattle grazing. “This gift is the perfect gift,” said Peter Victor, dean of York’s faculty of environmental studies, High-tech classrooms On and off-campus housing Part-time work available; internships in field of study TCT Lacific VLE OR Pan Pacific Hotel - US Education Fair ‘98 November 8, 1998 Kwantlen College - Information Table November 9, 1998 from 8-12:30pm Pan Pacific Hotel - Information Session November 9, 1998 from 7-9pm Pan Pacific Hotel - Interviews November 9-11, 1998 (by appointment) Meet our recruiter. Ms. Debbie Nakashima, for an individual interview from November 9-11 at the Pan Pacific Hotel. For appointments call 682-81 1 1. For more information on HPU's programs, mail in this coupon or call (808) 236-3511, fax (808) 236-3520, or Toll-free U.S. and Canada: 1-800-669-4724 the upcoming year. The money will be used to send students to the when the land was presented to Name York last week. “It’s a gift of Address Major Interest. research site. Susan Znajda, an environmental studies graduate student who visit- vision.” STORY CONTINUES NEXT PAGE Send to: Hawaii Pacific University © Office of International Relations 45-045 Kamehameha Hwy. * Kaneohe. HI 96744 USA E-mail: finance@hpu.edu * WWW: htp://www.hpu.edu The Other Press November 4 1998 Page 3