: q ~ Sept. 18, 1980 The Other Press Page five by Dave Smith Slut and Stud. If these two words disgust your intelligence or has male chauvinistic char- acteristics, simply ignore this column and continue masterbating. However, if your intellect has not been sufficiently knowledgeable on these two words con- tinue reading in your in- telligent manner. Today’s ‘society has come up with two names depicting. men and women engaging in active sex. A man who often has sex with other females is known by his peers as a Butts in the way To The Editor, Somewhere lurking on this campus is a very tacky person. Maybe it’s more than one person, maybe there’s a whole group of people that band together to make life miserable for me, and everyone else. EVERYTIME I GO TO TAKE A DRINK IN THE WATER FOUNTAIN THERE’S A BLASTED CIGARETTE BUTT INIT! How gross can you be? I smoke and I believe it’s my responsibility to dispose of my butt in a suitable place. stud. What isa stud? The dictionary definition of a stud is a horses, especially a group kept for breeding. Are we collection of to suggest that an active heterosexual male is linked to a breeding horse? In our twisted society we have associated the ability of a stallion stud to a human male. A sexually active human male (preferable with a girl/s) is a stud but why is a sexually active female associated as a. slut? A slut is by diction- ary definition a female dog, bitch. Again our Even if it means I have to walk a few more feet to go outside. I realize that it’s better to get it wet, than to leave it smoldering in the corner of the school some- where, but does it really take that much for a person to throw it in the garbage? We (the smokers), are already getting enough shit about the grossness and inconsiderateness of our habit. Do we really need anymore? Signed Georgina Tonks Straight to the heart To The Editor, I find it very unusual to come into the college at 2:00 in the afternoon and be able to listen to music and eat, then come back at 8:00 at night and not be able to get change for the vending machines or listen to good music, or any music at all. Afterall, the fee s are the same for night and day students, so we why don’t we have the same services? Could you find it (head of Students Society) in your heart to do something about this sit- uation? Signed Disgruntled Students. Mike Sulivan Patti Idler J. Oritsland Richard Limcaco Robert Limacaco Trinidad Yupangoo Mike Dee Mary-Beth Yupangco Cheralyn Facey Andrea Lloyd Sandra Fox "73 MAVERIC Dame Lincoln- ® for your transportation needs e Lynx, Capriand Zephyr good selection of used gas savers 1977 MAZDAGLC 4 CYL. 4 SP. 2DR. 6 CYL. AUTO. AS NEW $1895 Mercury immaculate $3580 Bug. ph. 588-9921 Home ph. 524-6440 _ Malevs. Female twisted society has slangily changed the meaning of a word. However, today a sexually active male is accepted but a_ sexually active female is frowned upon. How would a male feel to be called a slut and a female be called a stud? Only people can be their - own judge. ‘ Society is changing and sex has not only come out of the closet but is seen knocking at one’s door of acceptance. Remember, it usually takes a male and a female to make whoopee most of the time. _ Perspective ‘‘Dan,’’ asked Tom Sch- oenewolf. ‘‘Where did you put the revolutionary pro- paganda?”’ “It’s filed under revolu- tionary propaganda,’’ an- swered Hilborn. kan sorry if it’s confusing.’’ “I’m too tired to liberate the masses today,’’ yawn- ed Greg Heakes. ‘‘Let’s just liberate a mass.’’ “T’ve never been to a revolution before,’’ com- don’t have a wear!”’ ““Mao Tse-Tung quilted jackets are popular right now,”’ said Lesli Pardely. “But Ho Chi Mihn black pajamas from Gucci’s are all the rage.’’ ““Well,’’ said Dave Smith. “T’m off to “‘liberate’’ a few bars.’”’ “Okay,’’ agreed Sandra Fox. ‘‘But if you ‘‘liber- ate’’ too many beers don’t try to ‘‘liberate’’ any mas- sage parlours. Last time you did that we didn’t see you for two months.’’ ‘‘Here’s a nine point pro- gram from the first peo- ple’s party,’’ declared Philip Staines. ‘“‘Well here’s a_ twelve point program from the second people’s party!’’ countered Bill Ligenfelter. “TI don’t like the second party,’’ remarked Pat Bur- dett. ‘*You should have beén to the first party,’’ said Pat Worthington. ‘‘We didn’t get home until four in the morning. I was blind for three days.’’ ‘“‘T can never remember,’”’ confessed Nancy Camp- bell. ‘‘Is this the proletar-. ian, worker’s, or peasants revolution?”’ ‘*Pepsi,’’ answered Tom Hawthorne. ‘‘The peasants are revolt- ing,’’ cried Andrea Lloyd, Julie Valeti, Yolanda Vol- patti and Ron Loveless. “‘They sure are,’’ agreed Rob Guzyk. thing to plained Georgia Tonks, ‘‘I: see Rand Lord - What activities would like to see and participate in at Douglas College ? . Janice Tracey: 1 would like to see more activities such as dances and pub nights and then have them cen- tralized on one campus. I wouldn’t mind joining the ski club. Angie Terwogt: Me, I’ma sports fanatic. I like everything. Badminton, volleyball, creative dance, and I love pub nights. How about an _ outdoors club like at high school where you can go on a weekend trip to Garibaldi Park. Terry Fox Campaign, Is asking for donations booksand white elephant items. These will be sold in the 2 Surrey cafteria/lounge. Thanks help and see you at the sale! The A.B.E. Program, Surrey. (rm. 407 a.b.) Warren Memeghello: Something -everyone can participate in. Sports act- ivities like intramurals. Volleyball, basketball, rol- lerskating, dances. Some- . thing where everybody gets to meet everyone else. They should have more liquor at the pub nights, they ran out of beer at 10:15 last week. I'd like to see a lot more girls get involved, of course. Kevin Bailey: How about more dances and pub nights. Or staff vs. stu- dents sports. Things to raise money for the student society or Terry Fox, like a walk-a-thon. We had a radio and debating club at high school. Make a rule that girls have to wear shorts on certain days. They could also have men’s nite on Thursdays with exotic dancers in the cafeteria.