ae a EA oes SBS MINISTRY OF EDUCATION RELEASED: October 15, 1985 PRESS RELEASE #105 CONTACT: Eric Denhoff 387-4611 November 4 - November 9 "Education & Economic Development' theme of Colleges and Institutes Week The provincial government has proclaimed Colleges and Universities Week from November 4 to November 9 in British Columbia. The proclamation - which was announced today by Education Minister Jack Heinrich - recognizes the contribution provincial institutions make to the well being of individuals, society and the B.C. economy. British Columbia has 20 community colleges and institutes which teach technical skills, trades and academic (university transfer) courses. In announcing the proclamation Mr. Heinrich emphasized that B.C. post-secondary institutions have become active participants in the economic development of their local communities. "We are seeing the colleges and institutes expand their traditional role and involve themselves in research and retraining in response to changing technology." The Minister described two such partnerships which have recently developed between local industry and post-secondary institutions. In Surrey a local computer company has contracted Kwantlen College to test electronic circuit boards and predict the service-life of high-tech components. The contract will provide practical "hands-on" experience for technical students while at the same time enabling a local employer to compete in national markets. MORE/MORE/MORE