and community about career, educational and personal growth opportunities for women. 10. Attending conferences and workshops on women's issues. The Co-ordinator of the Women's Centre welcomes opportunities to speak to classes or other groups regarding the role of the Women's Centre. For further information or assistance please contact the Women's Centre, ~ 521-4851, local 260. Further updates on the work of the Women's Centre will be published in the Mad Hatter. Marion Exmann Women's Centre Co-ordinator IDENTIFYING STUDENTS WITH LEARNING DIFFICULTIES 1. MAY READ WELL BUT NOT WRITE WELL. The student may be unable to do the following: - understand or apply an understand- ing of distance and space - reproduce size and shape - see or reproduce visual relation- ships in graphics or writing. 2. MAY HAVE GAPS IN THEIR SKILLS. The student may have difficulty with the following: - spelling in essays and compositions - understanding grammar - computation and organization. 3. MAY HAVE TROUBLE WITH CONCEPTS. The student may have trouble: - locating places and following dir- ections - remembering new ideas - recognizing appropriate and inap- propriate sequences in tasks - copying notes quickly and accur- ately - seeing similarities and differ- ences in concepts or procudures. —1- MAD HATTER PAGE 6 A STUDENT WITH A LEARNING DIFFICULTY IS NOT - - physically deaf, but may have dif- ficulty understanding, organizing, | or remembering what he hears physically blind, but does not ap- pear to see things the way others see them - physically handicapped, but may be very poorly physically co-ordinated - mentally handicapped, yet may seem dull with occasional flashes of bright understanding of complex social inter-action - always perceptually handicapped, yet seems unable to demonstrate any of the learning he has acquired. From The School Guidance Worker, "The Counsellor and the Exceptional Child", May/June 1981. oe ge ee NOTICE | Al Atkinson will be away from the College from February 22 to 26, 1982. During his absence Gladys Klassen wil be acting Director. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES The University of Portland requires a Coordinator of Learning Assistance and Counselor as of June l, 1982. Full-time, twelve-month staff position reporting to the Director of Office of Counseling and Consulting. QUALIFICATIONS: Doctorate in Counsel- ing Psychology or related field pre- ferred with emphasis in learning ana testing clinical/counseling. To apply send letter of application, resume and the names of three profes- Rev. Anthony DeConciliis, Chairman, Search Committee University of Portland Portland, Oregon 97203 sional references, by March 30, 1982 to: =a