ot, Allan Goldenberg* Executive Director Association of Canadian Community Colleges Toronto, Ontario Abram G. Konrad* Department of Educational Administration The University of Alberta Edmonton, Alberta. *Executive Committee a, Foreword Acknowledgments Yearbook Steering Committee Contributors PART ONE: The Social Context 1, Community Colleges in Canada ................ sis evi sevevencsste seaeee Gordon Campbell 2. The Community College: Some Philosophical Issues ..... Doris W. Ryan PART TWO: Clientele and Community James M. Small Department of Educational Administration The University of Alberta Edmonton, Alberta John Stapleton Department of Educational Administration Memorial University St. John’s, Newfoundland Philip Warren Department of Educational Administration Memorial University St. John’s, Newfoundland CONTENTS 3. Colleges That Encourage Life-Long Learning ..... irerteerrts W°. Brock Whale and Lewis A. Riederer 4. Characteristics of Community College Students ..........060 John D. Dennison PART THREE: Experience and Environments ......................00- 5.5ln SEP withsMolland College csr rseetectetc acs ce o-oo Lawrence Coffin 6. Student Skill Deficiencies and Computer Assistance ........ William P. Olivier and Evannah J. Lomberg 19 31 33 38 7. Changing an Educational Environment ....cccccccscscssssscose.es 68 Marcel Senechal and Denis Lebel 8. The College Environment: Assessment Techniques ...... saves TAD) C. Neil Russell 9. Student Services in Community Colleges ......ccccsesesssscsoseses 91 Sheila D. Thompson 10. Student Participation in College Governance seccccscssccsesecs. 102 Gerald O. Kelly PART FOUR: Impact and Mobility ............. Diseases mosvaceteserestcss= NL 11. Students Who Leave College ....... esatsscteseve Gatsccsssetheseseactegeig MG Karel Puffer 12. A Follow-up of Outgoing College Students ......c.eccccccee. 124 Louis Gadbois 13. Transferability: An Old Problem in a New Setting ............ 137 Gordon Mowat PART FIVE: Epilogue 14. Issues and Implications ssesserseusescooencossssossesessansaacsensesceeesess 151 Abram G. Konrad and John C. Long CONTRIBUTORS Gordon Campbell, Associate Professor of Education, The University of Leth- bridge, Alberta. He was the founding president of Selkirk College, Castlegar, B.C., and is the author of Community Colleges in Canada 1971, Lawrence Coffin, Director of Program and Staff Development, Holland College, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island. Prior to his Present position, he taught electronics and used the STEP approach for three years, John D. Dennison, Professor of Higher Education, The University of British Columbia, has had an extensive background in teaching and research in Post- secondary education, Louis Gadbois, Research officer, Centre d'animation, de développement et de recherche en éducation (CADRE), Montréal, Québec. From 1962 to 1971 he was the executive secretary of the Québec Commission of College Psy- chologists and Guidance Counselors, I ogether with C. Forest, he authored Les changements dortentation au sortir du college classique, 1901, Gerald O, Kelly, Academic Vice-President at Red Deer College, Alberta, was a founding member of Dawson College in Montréal where he worked as a counselor, director of student services, and chairman of the faculty associa- tion, Abram G. Konrad, Associate Professor of Educational Administration, The Un- iversity of Alberta, Edmonton. He was a college administrator before joining the College Administration Project in his present position. 6