- College for the purpose of operating thereon a regional college as defin woe we mem yp mts etter meen Sete ee Hm eee (a) This may be accomplished by immediate amendment to Part XI of the Public Schools Act. (b) Until bodies corporate are created, there is no one for the Government to deal with in regard to fhe assets of the proposed melded institutions. DOUGLAS COLLEGE V. FINANCIAL CONCERNS ‘ARCHIVES LAND ei The committee proposes that the lands making up the college sites be retained in the name of Her Majesty the Queen in Right of the Provis nee of British Columbia, and that the same be leased by the incorporated RF ess the appropriate statute. (a) The Lease would contain provision against assignment or subletting any portion of the land without the consent of the Crown but at the same time it would exclude the sub- letting of areas of the building for a eraees of less than one (1) year. (b) It is proposed that for budgetary purposes of the Crown Provincial, a lease fee be set that is relative to the going rate in the real estate market in the area of the college and that the lease fee be renegotiated every Five (5) years. BUILDINGS The committee proposes that all of the buildings, including equipment therein, be conveyed to the college for $1.00 and, in this regard, a Lill of Sale or other form of transfer could be exchanged. (a) The future construction, design, etc., of all buildings on the college sites would be entirely the responsibility of the college and the Department of Education, (b) Renovations, maintenance and upgrading of all improvements would be entirely within the hands of the college, as the owners of the buildings. VI. MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT The Task Force recommends that a Memorandum of Avreement be entered into with the Department of Educatiom by each College affected by the proRees of melding with a B.C. Adult Vocational School. The Committee recommends further that such a memorandum of agreement should contain the Following provisions: eoreree y